1.1 Nomenclature
1.11 Valid scientific name Laminaria hyporborea (Gunnerus) Foslie. This was described and figured by Gunnerus (1766) as Focus hyperboreus, but recombined as Laminaria herborea by Foslie (1885).
1.12 Nomenclatural synonyms
Many synonyms are given by Foslie (1885), De-Toni (1895), Dii Rietz (1920, 1953) and others, the most important being the following:
Fucus scoparius Strpm, 1762
Fucus digitatus Mohr, 1786
Laminaria digitata Lyngbye, 1819
Laminaria phycodendron la Pylaie, 1824
Hafgygia digitata Kutzing, 1843
Laminaria cloustoni Edmondston, 1845
Hafgygia cloustoni Areschoug, 1883
Laminaria digitata f. typica Foslie 1884
The earlier naine Fucus acoparius of Strom (1762) was invalid because, although it clearly applied only to this species, it was published in a work not generally employing binary nomenclature (Du Riets, 1953).
For many years there was confusion between this species and. L. digitata (HW1S.) Lamour., e.g. by Lyngbye (1819), and Harvey (1846-51) and although Le Jolis (1855) clearly distinguished the two species and listed their reliable characters some confusion continued and even Foslie (1884, 1885) misidentified some specimens (.1iuida, 1965). He (Foslie, 1885) was satisfied, however, that Gunnerus (1766) had not included L. digitata in him description because he examined herbarium including the type specimen, Unfortunately Le Jolis (1855) had not been of -this opinion and thought that Gunnenus' description was thus invalid, and thai Edmondaton' s L, cloustoni was there- fore the first valid name, This synonym was used for many years, particularly in Britain (e.g. Newton, 1931). 1.13 Vernacular naines Norway: Trolitare, sortare, s-tokictare, palmetare, akrame hes-tatare, havtare, kurvtare, stolpetare (Grenager, 1953). British Isles: Tangle, redware, cuvie, cuvy. Germany: Palmentang. B'rance (Brittany): Tall-penn, tali-ebrel.