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  • A PDF on "Status of Oceanic Institute's Aquatic Research Feed Mill".

    Author(s): Anthony C. Ostrowski, Ph. D.
  • Forty percent of the population in India is estimated to be vegetarian. Seaweeds with its high nutritive value constitute a potential resource of valuable supplementary food. India has a coastline of 5 698 km. Rocky and coral formations are found in Tamil Nadu, Grujarat states, and in the vicinities of Bombay, Karawar, Batnagiri, Goa, Vizhinjam, Varkala, Vishakapatnam, and in few other places like Chilka and Pulicat lakes, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The coastal areas of Tamil Nadu and Grujarat states are the important seaweed growing regions of the country.

    Author(s): V.S. Krishnamurty Chennubholta
  • Indonesia needs at least 1,100 tons of alginate per year for various food and non-food industries with a value of about 420,000 US Dollars. These needs are met through imports from aboard. The raw materials for alginate, namely brown seaweed (Phaeophyceae) are very abundant in Indonesian coastal zones, but its stock level is not yet known. This study aims: to explore the biomass of brown seaweeds along the coastal areas of Bitung-Bentena, North Sulawesi Province by mapping their habitat, distribution and density using the effective and efficient tool of satellite remote sensing; and to compile preliminary results on the quality of alginate extracted from brown seaweeds. Result show that based on the isocluster analysis of Landsat-7 ETM+ and field sampling, we successfully classified 6 different habitats in the reef flats of Bitung-Bentena with map which had accuracy of 73.6%. The total area of brown seaweeds was approximately 127.1ha. Meanwhile, from 53 field transects, there were 6 species of brown seaweed with an average density for all species of 690.4 grams/m2. Thus, the biomass of brown seaweed was 2,133.5 tons wet weight, equal to 29.9 tons of alginate. This study proves that satellite remote sensing is an effective and efficient tool for such kind of works, and must be continued along the entire of Indonesian coastal zones. In this study, the preliminary results on extracting alginate from brown seaweed are also presented.

    Author(s): Teruhisa Komatsu, Sekar M.C. Herandarudewi, Sam Wouthuyzen
  • This report provides an overview of seaweed species in Aotearoa that have commercial potential, as well as recognition of their cultural importance and the role of Māori in the emerging seaweed sector. (November 2021)

    Author(s): T. Wheeler, R. Major, S. Ogilvie, P. South, D. Romanazzi, S. Adams
  • Oslo-listed Stolt says the alternative energy start-up is focused on the development of bioethanol and biogas production from the sustainable large-scale cultivation of seaweed.

    Author(s): Aaron Kelley
  • Soy protein concentrate (SPC) is a key ingredient in fish feed and most of it originates from Brazil. However, the Brazilian soy industry has reportedly resulted in significant environmental problems including deforestation. Consequently, new sources for protein are investigated and protein extracted from farmed seaweed is considered an alternative. Therefore, we investigate how seaweed protein product (SPP) can compete against SPC as a protein ingredient for fish feed. The study uses the positioning matrix, cost analyses involving the power law, and uncertainty analysis using Monte Carlo simulations, and key research challenges are identified. The initial finding is that, with the emerging seaweed industry, the cost of producing SPP is too high to be competitive for fish feed applications. To overcome this challenge, two solutions are investigated. First, substantial investments in cultivation and processing infrastructure are needed to accomplish scale, and a break-even scale of 65,000 tonnes is suggested. The second but more promising avenue, preferably in combination with the former, is the extraction of seaweed protein and high-value seaweed components. With mannitol and laminaran as co-products to the SPP, there is a 25–30% probability of a positive bottom line. Researches on extraction processes are therefore a necessity to maximize the extraction of value-added ingredients. Over time, it is expected that the competitive position of SPP will improve due to the upscaling of the volume of production as well as better biorefinery processes.

    Author(s): Jan Emblemsvåg, Nina Pereira Kvadsheim, Jon Halfdanarson, Matthias Koesling, Bjørn Tore Nystrand, Jan Sunde, Céline Rebours
  • Dear Partners and Friends in our ocean and coastal community,

    Oceans provide vital resources and services for sustaining humankind including food, recreation, transportation, energy, nutrient cycling and climate moderation, and they substantially contribute to our economy. However, the chemistry of the oceans is changing in ways that will have impacts on these services and resources far into the future.

    Recognizing the need for a comprehensive interagency plan to address the increasing impacts of ocean acidification, Congress passed the Federal Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring Act of 2009 (FOARAM Act), which defines ocean acidification as “the decrease in pH of the Earth’s oceans and changes in ocean chemistry caused by chemical inputs from the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide.” Coastal and estuarine acidification, to the extent that the cause of the acidification can be traced back to anthropogenic atmospheric inputs to the ocean, are assumed to be covered by this Strategic Plan for Federal Research and Monitoring of Ocean Acidification (Strategic Plan) wherever ocean acidification is referenced.

    The FOARAM Act called for the Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology (SOST) to establish an Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification (IWG-OA). The Act also explicitly called for developing a strategic research plan to guide “Federal research and monitoring on ocean acidification that will provide for an assessment of the impacts of ocean acidification on marine organisms and marine ecosystems and the development of adaption and mitigation strategies to conserve marine organisms and marine ecosystems.” Per requirements of the FOARAM, the original draft plan was open for public comment for two months and also was reviewed by the National Research Council. Edits to this plan were made to address comments that were received. Details about editing decisions are available upon request.

    The IWG-OA was chartered in October 2009. These agencies have come together to provide a thoughtful, strategic approach to understand and address the rapidly emerging problem of ocean acidification. This plan is essential to guide federal ocean acidification investments and activities over the next decade and beyond. It will provide a better understanding of the process of ocean acidification, its effects on marine ecosystems, and the steps that must be taken to minimize harm from ocean acidification.

    We organized the plan around the following seven priority areas 1) research, 2) monitoring, 3) modeling, 4) technology development, 5) socioeconomic impacts, 6) education and outreach and 7) data management. This plan is the result of a collaborative, thoughtful, and dedicated effort by a large number of people. My thanks goes out to all who contributed to this plan.


    Elizabeth Jewett

    Chair of the IWG-OA


    Ned Cyr

    Former Chair of the IWG-OA

    Author(s): Elizabeth Jewett , Ned Cyr, Richard Feely, Kenric Osgood, Christopher Sabine, Krisa Arzayus, Steve Gittings, David Garrison, Jennifer Culbertson, Kenli Kim, Jason Grear, Christopher Moore, Paula Bontempi, Kathy Tedesco, Bret Wolfe, Lisa Robbins, Kimberly Yates, Justine Kim
  • The National Seaweed Forum, commissioned by the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources in 1999, evaluated the current status of the Irish Seaweed Industry, investigate the potential uses of seaweeds and identify measures to be undertaken for developing the different industrial sectors. Seaweed aquaculture was identified as a key area for the development of the Irish Seaweed Industry to meet growing market demands and to create attractive and high–skilled jobs in peripheral communities in coastal areas.

    Following these recommendations the Marine Institute commissioned this present study to investigate the feasibility of seaweed aquaculture in Ireland. Its objectives are to:

    • Review the current status of seaweed aquaculture worldwide and in NW Europe, identify seaweed species, their potential uses and economic value, which would lend themselves to aquaculture in Ireland.
    • Assess Irish expertise capable of supporting a national seaweed aquaculture programme.
    • Identify priority RTDI projects necessary for supporting a development programme.
    • Assess the availability of suitable sites for seaweed aquaculture.
    • Develop an outline strategy for a national seaweed aquaculture programme over the next ten years.

    Worldwide seaweed aquaculture is a growing sector. In 2000, seaweed aquaculture production was about 10 million tonnes wet weight with an economic value of US$5.6 billion. The major producer of seaweeds is China, followed by other Japan and Korea. The majority of seaweed produced is used for human consumption and for the extraction of hydrocolloids. In Europe seaweed aquaculture is a relatively new development and still in its infancy with only a small number of commercial seaweed farms. Research is focused on the establishment of low–volume high–value seaweeds, the development of new applications for algae and the identification of specific algal compounds, food supplements, cosmetics, biomedicine and biotechnology. Recent trends in life–style towards natural, healthy products are opportune for advancement in seaweed aquaculture.

    The most suitable seaweed species for cultivation in Ireland for the near future are those already used in trials and/or commercial cultivation operations in Ireland and other Western countries and for which a market demand already exists. These include algae for human consumption, nutraceuticals and cosmetics. The introduction of new, high–value species into aquaculture will depend strongly on the development of new value–added applications and markets.

    Irish expertise capable of a supporting national seaweed aquaculture programme is available through Third–Level Institutions, Development Agencies, service companies, fishermen and aquaculturists, and the seaweed and other industries. It is seen as essential, however, that the main impetus for development comes from the Irish Seaweed Industry.

    The assessment of the current status of the Seaweed Industry and the consultations undertaken have led to the identification of RTDI needs, which are assumed to be necessary to support a national seaweed aquaculture programme. Key areas for R&D projects concern cultivation methods, research in bioactive substances and applications, and research in biomedicine and biotechnology.

    The selection of suitable seaweed aquaculture sites depends on the biological requirements of the seaweed species (such as current, water depth, salinity, nutrients) and the availability of space with respect to other coastal resource users and the designation of protected areas (such as Special Areas of Conservation). Assessment of potential sites based on selected criteria revealed that the north, west, and southwest coasts of Ireland offer a range of suitable seaweed aquaculture sites for different species. Although in many of these coastal areas there are aquaculture activities, it is not assumed that situations of competition for space arise. It is however recommended that aquacultural activities be co–ordinated if organisation structures are not already in place (such as Co–ordinated Local Aquaculture Management Systems). Special Areas of Conservation do not necessarily impose an automatic ban on the use of an area, but an environmental impact survey may be required with the application for an aquaculture licence.

    Evaluation of aspects investigated in this desk study has led to the development of an outline strategy for the development of a national seaweed aquaculture programme over a ten–year period. The realisation of the seaweed aquaculture programme is divided in three phases. The main objectives are to establish commercial seaweed aquaculture operations, to advance product development in different industrial sectors and to improve marketing structures.

    Author(s): Astrid Werner, Declan Clarke, Stefan Kraan
  • A factorial design experiment, using in situ cage cultures, was used to investigate the effects of frequency and concentration of nutrient pulses on growth, nutrient uptake, and chemical composition (C, N, P) of Gracilaria tikvahiae McLachlan in nearshore waters of the Florida Keys. Both frequency and concentration of the nutrient pulses affected growth and chemical composition of G. tikvahiae, indicating nutrient limitation occurred during the study. Growth of G. tikvahiae increased with increasing pulse frequency up to the highest level used (2·wk−1) at all pulse concentrations; in contrast, growth increased with increasing pulse concentration to the highest concentration at the low pulse frequency but not at the higher pulse frequencies. Although the frequency of nutrient pulses appeared more important in regulating growth and pre-pulse levels of chemical constituents than pulse concentration, the effects of frequency were due to its effects on total nutrient loading (i.e. flux) and not to the effects of frequency of nutrient enrichment per se. Greater variation in percent P compared to percent N in G. tikvahiae tissue between pulses and an increased PO3−4 uptake rate in nutrient-limited G. tikvahiae suggests that P rather than N was the primary limiting nutrient during the study; however, N was an important secondary limiting nutrient indicating dual nutrient-limitation occurred. While the pulse medium used had a N:P ratio of 18 : 1, much higher uptake ratios, ranging from 27:1 to 80:1, actually occurred, supporting the contention of P-limitation. Thus, nutrient pulse strategies with G. tikvahiae in P-limited systems need to utilize excessively lowN:P ratios in the pulse medium to offset the differential uptake rates of NH+4 and PO3−4 at the high concentrations typically used in pulse-feeding strategies.

    Author(s): Brian E. Lapointe
  • The State of California launched the short-lived climate pollutant reduction strategy (SB 1383) with the objective of decreasing methane (CH4) emissions from livestock by 40% by 2030 from 2013 levels. Considering about 50% of CH4 emissions in the State are attributed to enteric fermentation and manure, achieving significant CH4 emission reduction from these sources will be critical to meeting SB1383 goals. There are numerous mitigation options described in the literature including feed and manure additives. The objective of the study was to provide quantitative analysis, evaluate feasibility, and summarize and prioritize research gaps to guide future research in the State. Specifically the current study conducted a literature review of available mitigation strategies using additives to reduce enteric and manure methane emissions including size effect and performance analyses and used life-cycle assessment tools to estimate net greenhouse gas emissions from using potential feed additives in the dairy industry. Effect size and meta-analyses were conducted to identify the additives with greatest potential for CH4 mitigation. For feed additives, 3-nitrooxypropanol (3NOP), bromochloromethane, chestnut, coconut, distillers dried grains and solubles, eugenol, grape pomace, linseed, monensin, nitrate, nitroethane, saifoin, fumaric acid, and tannins had significant impacts on enteric emissions. For manure additives, acidification, biochar, microbial digestion, physical agents, straw, and other chemicals significantly reduced CH4 emissions. However, there were other promising additives that need further research, including Mootral, macroalgae and SOP lagoon additive (SOP). After further analysis of variance, the most effective feed additives were 3NOP (41% in dairy and 22% reduction in beef) and nitrate (14.4% reduction). Biochar as a manure additive can be effective on compost manure (up to 82.4% reduction), but may have no impact on lagoon emissions. A life cycle assessment tool was used to estimate the net reduction in enteric CH4 emissions by using the feed additives 3NOP and nitrate. The overall average net reduction rate of supplementing 3NOP and nitrate were 11.7% and 4.9%, respectively. Given the toxicity concerns of nitrate, only 3NOP is recommended for use pending FDA approval. Considering California milk production of 18 billion kg in 2017, using nitrate on California dairy cows would reduce GHG emissions 1.09 billion kg CO2e and 3NOP 2.33 billion kg CO2e annually. Further research in the additives of Mootral, macroalage, SOP, biochar and other emerging ones is required before recommendation for use can be made.

    Author(s): Ermias Kebreab, Xiaoyu Feng
