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  • It is a necessary conclusion that ultimately the scientific insights into the impacts of open ocean aquaculture must be turned into policies, laws, and regulations governing industry development. Hawaii established a state law in 1986 to allow leasing of state marine waters for aquaculture
    and ocean energy purposes. Due to legislature concerns, however, the final statute only had limited applicability for small research projects (Corbin and Young 1997). Hawaii amended its state law in 1999 to correct these problems and encourage large-scale commercial aquaculture use of offshore waters (Cates et al. 2001). A coalition of state, university, and private sector interests engaged the public and supported this far-reaching change in the state legislature because: hatchery technology for mass rearing of local species was available; growout technology suitable for local open ocean conditions was commercially available; a federally funded, large- scale demonstration of cage culture, gathering real data, was underway (Ostrowski et al. 2001); experienced ocean interests were ready to invest in commercial aquaculture projects; and there existed strong state and public support for aquaculture for economic development.

    Author(s): John S. Corbin
  • Seaweed farming is often depicted as a sustainable form of aquaculture, contributing to poverty reduction and financial revenues in producer countries. However, farms may negatively affect seagrasses and associated organisms (e.g. invertebrate macrofauna) with possible effects on the flow of ecosystem goods and services to coastal societies. The present study investigates the influence of a seaweed farm, and the farmed seaweed Eucheuma denticulatum in particular, on fishery catches using a traditional fishing method (“madema” basket traps) in Chwaka bay (Zanzibar, Tanzania). The results suggest that a seaweed farm, compared to a seagrass bed, had no influence on catch per unit effort (no. of individuals per catch, or catch weight) or no. of species per catch, but significantly affected catch composition (i.e. how much that was caught of which species). The two species contributing most to differences between the sites were two economically important species; the herbivorous seagrass rabbit fish Siganus sutor, which was more common in the seaweed site and is known to graze on the farmed algae; and the benthic invertebrate feeder chloral wrasse Cheilinus chlorourus, more common in the seagrass site. Compared to vegetation-free bottoms, however, the catches were 3−7 times higher, and consisted of a different set of species (ANOSIM global R > 0.4). As traps placed close to the seaweeds fished three times more fish than traps placed on sand patches within the seaweed farm, the overall pattern is attributed to the presence of submerged vegetation, whether seagrass or seaweed, probably as shelter and/or food for fish. However, qualitative differences in terms of spatial and temporal dynamics between seagrass beds with and without seaweed farms, in combination with other factors such as institutional arrangements, indicate that seaweed farms cannot substitute seagrass beds as fishing grounds.

    Author(s): Johan S. Eklöfa , 2, 3 and, Maricela de la Torre-Castro, Camilla Nilsson, Patrik Rönnbäck
  • Biofuel From Algae?(CTSA Meeting)•Demand for high quality, fresh algae inbulk quantities•Effluenttreatment ofsewage, nutrientremoval•CO2removal•Treatment of industrial wastes–changesquality

  • The contemporary uses of seaweed in Ireland are many and various. Seaweed is gathered as food, processed and used as fertiliser, forms an ingredient in many cosmetics and spa treatments, and is the subject of biotechnological and pharmaceutical research.

    Author(s): Stefan Kraan
  • The world diet in 2062 or 2112 will be as unfamiliar to most people today as our own cosmopolitan diet of fast food and ethnic cuisines would be to our great grandparents  in 1912. The new foods will be the result of fierce demand and resource pressures on  food worldwide, astonishing new technologies, and emerging trends in diet, farming, healthcare and sustainability.

    Author(s): Julian Cribb
  • A variety of microorganisms can evolve H2 according to the following equation:2H+ + 2e +z H2. These include strict or facultative anaerobic bacteria, aerobic bacteria, blue-green and green algae. In aerobic bacteria and in blue-green algae H2 formations are restricted to N2-fixing species. Strict and facultative anaerobic bacteria as well as green algae (Chlamydomonas, Scenedesmus, Chlorella) form the gas only under O2 exclusion in the cultures. There is no clearcut demonstration for Hrformation by mosses, ferns and higher plants. Lists of the Hrforming organisms are compiled in Mortenson and Chen I and Schlegel and Schneider2. Since the redox potential of the couple 2H+ /H2 is -413 mV at pH 7.0, a low potential reductant is required for H2-formation to proceed in the cells. The reaction is also enzyme mediated. Cells may contain 3 clearly distinguishable enzymes catalyzing either uptake or evolution of H2 under physiological conditions (for a more detailed account and the references see Bothe and Eisbrenner3).

    Author(s): Hermann Bothe
  • Photosynthetic bacteria utilize hydrogen as electron donor for autotrophic CO2 assimilation. Many of these organisms also evolve hydrogen under dark anaerobic conditions and, in large quantities, anaerobically in the light in the absence of ammonia and molecular nitrogen. Hydrogen photoproduction in photosynthetic bacteria is largely or completely associated with the action of nitrogenase. It is not inhibited by CO, an inhibitor of hydrogenase and is dependent on ATP. The conventional hydrogenase catalyzes the reversible reaction H2⇄2H++2e-.It seems however that in photosynthetic bacteria this enzyme catalyzes mainly hydrogen uptake in vivo. It has been suggested that a function of hydrogenase is to reutilize the hydrogen which is evolved as a byproduct of the nitrogenase reaction, retaining reducing equivalents for N2 or CO2 reduction1. In contrast to aerobic bacteria, energy conservation in a Knallgas reaction is not possible for photosynthetic bacteria growing anaerobically in the light2.

    Author(s): H. Zurrer
  • Hydrothermal carbonization is a process in which biomass is heated in water under pressure to create a char product. With higher plants, the chemistry of the process derives primarily from lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose components. In contrast, green and blue-green microalgae are not lignocellulosic in composition, and the chemistry is entirely different, involving proteins, lipids and carbohydrates (generally not cellulose). Employing relatively moderate conditions of temperature (ca. 200 C), time (<1 h) and pressure (<2 MPa), microalgae can be converted in an energy efficient manner into an algal char product that is of bituminous coal quality. Potential uses for the product include creation of synthesis gas and conversion into industrial chemicals and gasoline; application as a soil nutrient amendment; and as a carbon neutral supplement to natural coal for generation of electrical power.

    Author(s): Kenneth J. Valentas, Marc G. von Keitz, Frederick J. Schendel, Michael J. Sadowsky, Paul A. Lefebvre, Lindsey R. Jader, Steven M. Heilmann, H. Ted Davis
  • A process for isolation of three products (fatty acids, chars and nutrient-rich aqueous phases) from the hydrothermal carbonization of microalgae is described. Fatty acid products derived from hydrolysis of fatty acid ester groups in the microalgae were obtained in high yield and were found to be principally adsorbed onto the char also created in the process. With the highest lipid-containing microalga investigated, 92% of the fatty acids isolated were obtained by solvent extraction of the char product, with the remaining 8% obtained by extraction of the acidified filtrate. Obtaining the fatty acids principally by a solid–liquid extraction eliminates potential emulsification and phase separation problems commonly encountered in liquid–liquid extractions. The aqueous phase was investigated as a nutrient amendment to algal growth media, and a 20-fold dilution of the concentrate supported algal growth to a level of about half that of the optimal nutrient growth medium. Uses for the extracted char other than as a solid fuel are also discussed. Results of these studies indicate that fatty acids derived from hydrothermal carbonization of microalgae hold great promise for the production of liquid biofuels.

    Author(s): Kenneth J. Valentas, Marc G. von Keitz, Paul A. Lefebvre, Frederick J. Schendel, Michael J. Sadowsky, Laurie A. Harned, Lindsey R. Jader , Steven M. Heilmann
  • A PDF on SINTEF's "Hydrothermal gasification of seaweed: a promising technology to biofuels production" Power Point.

    Author(s): Berta Matas Güell
