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  • "Perhaps the single most important lesson to be learned by direct experimentation is that the natural world, with all its elements and interactions, represents a complex system and therefore we cannot understand it and we cannot predict its behavior...

    Managers interact with the system: they do something, watch for the response, and then do something else in an effort to get the result they want. There is an endless iterative interaction that acknowledges we don't know for sure what the system will do - we have to wait and see... Interacting with the natural world, we are denied certainty. And always will be." - Dr. Michael C. Crichton, 2008

    As of 2013 almost all Kappaphycus and Eucheuma production has been from family farms and almost all production has served as raw material for the manufacture of carrageenan. Production of Kappaphycus has failed to reach levels of supply that adequately meet demand. 

    Although there will always be a need for major supplies of Kappaphycus and Eucheuma seaweed crops from small-holder operations there is also a growing need for farming of these crops to be undertaken in adequately capitalized integrates multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) systems and for processing to be undertaken using multi-stream, zero-effluent (MUZE) methods withing satoumi seascapes. This requires the development of written agronomy protocolas that can be developed and improved as experience, research and development lead beyond the empirical methds that prevail today. 

    During more than 40 years of working in seaweed farm development I have obserced (and often participated in) many "failed" farm projects. Of course failure is inevitable for reasons clearly stated in the quotation (above) from Michael Crichton. The keys to eventual success are to make mistakes at as small a scale as possible; to learn from those mistakes; and to keep trying until you succeed. 

    The present monograph summarizes some fundamental aspects of cot+spin farming that I have learned from seaweed farmers, colleagues, scientists and "the school of hard knocks". I hope that they can help others to efficiently work through failed projects to successful conclusions. 

    This monograph is the lead-in to sets of agronomy protocols that we have developed for particular projects. Please contact us if you have a project that needs such procedures. 

    Iain C. Neish, September, 2013, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia 

    Author(s): Iain Charles Neish
  • A growing global population, combined with factors such as changing socio-demographics, will place increased pressure on the world's resources to provide not only more but also different types of food. Increased demand for animal-based protein in particular is expected to have a negative environmental impact, generating greenhouse gas emissions, requiring more water and more land. Addressing this "perfect storm" will necessitate more sustainable production of existing sources of protein as well as alternative sources for direct human consumption. This paper outlines some potential demand scenarios and provides an overview of selected existing and novel protein sources in terms of their potential to sustainably deliver protein for the future, considering drivers and challenges relating to nutritional, environmental, and technological and market/consumer domains. It concludes that different factors influence the potential of existing and novel sources. Existing protein sources are primarily hindered by their negative environmental impacts with some concerns around health. However, they offer social and economic benefits, and have a high level of consumer acceptance. Furthermore, recent research emphasizes the role of livestock as part of the solution to greenhouse gas emissions, and indicates that animal-based protein has an important role as part of a sustainable diet and as a contributor to food security. Novel proteins require the development of new value chains, and attention to issues such as production costs, food safety, scalability and consumer acceptance. Furthermore, positive environmental impacts cannot be assumed with novel protein sources and care must be taken to ensure that comparisons between novel and existing protein sources are valid. Greater alignment of political forces, and the involvement of wider stakeholders in a governance role, as well as development/commercialization role, is required to address both sources of protein and ensure food security.

    Author(s): Maeve Henchion, Maria Hayes, Anne Maria Mullen, Mark Fenelon, Brijesh Tiwari
  • Ever pondered what humans will be eating 30 years from now? Food scientists believe that the diet of 2050 won’t be like the one we have today. There will be a decline in the red meat production and rise in the consumption of bugs.

    From croissants to Doritos, from Oreo biscuits to Cinnamon Toast Crunch, the preferences for edibles has revolutionized and gotten weirder and wonderful at the same time. Dietary specialists anticipate that 30 years from now, our dietary horizon will be really enthralling and amazing. The predictions of what will we be eating after we emerge from our cryogenic slumber by 2050 ought to be fun!

    Some of the interesting futuristic foods have been listed below:

    Author(s): Amita Fotedar
  • In this Special Issue of Asian Fisheries Science, we are pleased to present 21 papers that resulted from the 48 presentations and posters of the 3rd Global Symposium on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries (GAF3), 9th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum, April 2011. GAF3 was the fifth triennial women/gender Symposium organized by the Asian Fisheries Society.

    Author(s): Meryl J. Williams, Marilyn Porter, Poh Sze Choo, Kyoko Kusakabe, Veikila Vuki, Nikita Gopal , Melba Bondad-Reantaso
  • Research conducted into the genetic make-up of a resilient red alga has taken scientists a step closer to breeding disease-resistant seaweed. Researchers at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) in Oban, Scotland have established the genetic code for the Porphyra umbilicalis, a small, but tough intertidal species that can tolerate a range of conditions and is among the world’s most valuable commercial seaweeds.

    Author(s): Erich Luening
  • Despite the abundance of seaweeds from Ulleungdo Island, genetic diversity and distribution of edible brown al-gae from the island remain unstudied. We analyzed mitochondrialcox3 sequences from 86 specimens collected in theisland and from the nearby Korean Peninsula. Ourcox3 phylogeny for the first time confirmed the occurrence of fivesspecies from Ulleungdo Island;Petalonia binghamiae,P. fascia,Planosiphon zosterifolius,and two cryptic species previ-ously identified asScytosiphon lomentaria.P. binghamiaewas relatively homogeneous withthree haplotypes.P.fasciacomprised four haplotypes, which were grouped into two genetic lineages.S.lomentariawas heterogeneous with ninehaplotypes and was divided into two cryptic species; one species clustered with taxa from cold waters while the otherclustered with taxa from temperate and cold waters. Low genetic diversity inP. binghamiaewhile high genetic diversityinS. lomentariafrom Ulleungdo Island arecomparable to patterns observed from other species from the Korean pen-insula. Ulleungdo Island, although small in size, is an ideal field laboratory to investigate genetic diversity and distribu-tions of economic marine algae

    Author(s): Ju Il Lee , Hyeong Seok Jang, Ga Youn Cho, Sung Jin Yoon, Sung Min Boo
  • Thirteen asexually reproducing clones of Enteromorpha linza were found in samples collected from March to September 1982 in Long Island Sound, USA, based on variation at five enzyme loci. Significant differences in the relative frequency of each clone were observed among samples from 16 localities. There was a tendency for localities at the eastern end of the Sound to form a group genetically differentiated from localities at the western end, but in general there was no strong relationship between geographic distance and genetic distance. Areas separated by only a few hundred meters were genetically differentiated, despite the presence of a dispersing spore stage in this species. Samples from areas of low salinity were genetically similar but distinct from adjacent high salinity areas. One clone restricted to high salinity localities and one associated with low salinity localities were tested for growth under high and low salinity conditions in the laboratory. The clone from the high salinity habitat grew more slowly under low salinity conditions. However, there was no evidence for a detrimental effect of high salinity on the low salinity associated clone, Additional environmental factors, as well as biological factors such as limited recruitment and competitive interactions among clones, may also be important determinants of genetic differentiation among populations of E. linza. Temporal shifts in clone frequency were observed within some localities and may be due to seasonal-dependent regeneration from microscopic holdfasts for different clones or a seasonal recruitment of new clones from other areas. The pattern of differentiation among populations of E. linza in Long Island Sound appears to be maintained by factors operating on a microgeographic scale. 

    Author(s): D. J. Innes
  • A Massachusetts company, Aquabounty Technologies, submitted an application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1995 to grow a genetically modified AquAdvantage® Atlantic salmon to be marketed as a food product. Aquabounty proposed to raise the broodstock fish on Prince Edward Island, ship their eggs to a contained inland recirculating production system in Panama to grow, harvest and process the fish, and then ship food grade product back to the United States for sale. The fish for this physically secure production system would be at least 99 percent triploid and all-female, as an additional reproductive-containment measure.

    Author(s): Paul G. Olin
  • Ecological differentiation between strains of bacterial species is shaped by genomic and metabolic variability. However, connecting genotypes to ecological niches remains a major challenge. Here, we linked bacterial geno- and phenotypes by contextualizing pangenomic, exometabolomic and physiological evidence in twelve strains of the marine bacterium Alteromonas macleodii, illuminating adaptive strategies of carbon metabolism, microbial interactions, cellular communication and iron acquisition. In A. macleodii strain MIT1002, secretion of amino acids and the unique capacity for phenol degradation may promote associations with Prochlorococcus cyanobacteria. Strain 83-1 and three novel Pacific isolates, featuring clonal genomes despite originating from distant locations, have profound abilities for algal polysaccharide utilization but without detrimental implications for Ecklonia macroalgae. Degradation of toluene and xylene, mediated via a plasmid syntenic to terrestrial Pseudomonas, was unique to strain EZ55. Benzoate degradation by strain EC673 related to a chromosomal gene cluster shared with the plasmid of A. mediterranea EC615, underlining that mobile genetic elements drive adaptations. Furthermore, we revealed strain-specific production of siderophores and homoserine lactones, with implications for nutrient acquisition and cellular communication. Phenotypic variability corresponded to different competitiveness in co-culture and geographic distribution, indicating linkages between intraspecific diversity, microbial interactions and biogeography. The finding of “ecological microdiversity” helps understanding the widespread occurrence of A. macleodii and contributes to the interpretation of bacterial niche specialization, population ecology and biogeochemical roles.

    Author(s): Hanna Koch, Nora Germscheid, Heike M. Freese, Beatriz Noriega-Ortega, Dominik Lücking, Galaxy Qiu, Matthias Wietz, Martine Berger, Ezequiel M. Marzinelli , Alexandra H. Campbell, Peter D. Steinberg, Jörg Overmann, Thorsten Dittmar, Meinhard Simon
  • The expansion of the global macroalgal aquaculture and climate change creates the need for germplasm preservation of valuable aquaculture strains and maintenance of natural biodiversity. Compared to the large number of studies in fish and shellfish species, relative few studies have been conducted on the macroalgal germplasm cryopreservation. The first cryopreservation of macroalgae to −75 °C was reported on Neopyropia tenera (formerly called Porphyra tenera) in 1964. To date, a total of 34 studies reported germplasm cryopreservation in 33 species, including Chlorophyta (7 species), Ochrophyta (14 species), and Rhodophyta (12 species). The goal of this review was to summarize the published studies on macroalgal germplasm cryopreservation, compare the reported protocols for the cryopreservation process, and identify the factors affecting post-thaw viability. Overall, macroalgal germplasm cryopreservation included haploid or diploid thalli, spores, and gametes. Cryotubes (1.5-ml or 2-ml) have been widely used to package germplasm samples for cooling and storage in most studies, and the 0.5-ml straws and 5-ml cryotubes have been used in several studies. Two approaches (programmable controlled cooling and vitrification) were employed for macroalgal germplasm cryopreservation. A two-step programmable controlled cooling (e.g., from initial culture temperature to a frozen temperature, such as −40 °C, and then directly plunging into liquid nitrogen at −196 °C) was determined to be an effective cooling strategy. Vitrification, a super rapid cooling for a sample to form non-crystalline amorphous solid, was applied on macroalgal germplasm cryopreservation with sample encapsulation and dehydration. Survival of post-thaw samples varied significantly in different studies. Based on research updates, recommendations are made for future research. It is expected that this review can serve as a foundation for future germplasm banking of macroalgae for aquaculture and biodiversity preservation.

    Author(s): Yarish, Charles Jayme C. Yee, Yuanzi Huo, Huiping Yang
