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  • A PDF Power Point on "Extrusion Process for Aquatic Feeds.

    Author(s): Joseph P. Kearns
  • Three isocaloric (3.5 kcal/g) ingredient blends containing 20, 30, and 40% distiller-dried grains with solubles (DDGS) along with 5% whey were prepared with a net protein content adjusted to 28% (wet basis [wb]). Other ingredients in the blends included soy flour, corn flour, fish meal, vitamin, and mineral mix. These blends were extruded in a single-screw extruder at 15, 20, and 25% (wb) moisture content and at 130 and 160 rpm screw speeds. Compared to previous research, the durability and unit density of the extrudates in this study were found to increase substantially by the addition of whey to the blends. Increasing the DDGS content from 20 to 40% resulted in a 5.8 and 16.8% increase in extrudate moisture content and redness, respectively, but produced a decrease of 11.2% in brightness and 3.6% in yellowness of the extrudates. Increasing the moisture content of the ingredient blends from 15 to 25% resulted in an increase of 16.1, 8.7, and 9.3% in moisture content, durability, and redness, respectively, but a decrease of 9.8 and 5.6%, respectively, in brightness and yellowness of the extrudates. Neither DDGS level nor screw speed significantly affected extrudate durability or unit density. In fact, changing the screw speed had no significant effect on many of the properties of the extrudates studied, except for moisture content, redness, and yellowness. As demonstrated in this study, ingredient moisture content and screw speed are critical considerations when producing extrudates with feed blends containing DDGS; further work is needed to optimize processing conditions and to produce floating feeds.

    Author(s): Kurt A. Rosentrater, Kasiviswanathan Muthukumarappan, Nehru Chevanan
  • Offshore fish farms are highly capital intensive, and operational expenditures are inherently greater than for conventional inshore cage culture systems. Research and development costs offshore
    are exorbitant, and the risks to investment are very real, and uninsurable. To attract investment, recapture these higher costs, and return an appropriate profit, open ocean ventures must look to a willingness on the part of the consumer to pay a premium for open ocean grown products.

    Author(s): Neil Anthony Sims
  • The red alga Hpea valentiae (Turn.) Mont. is one of the carrageenan producing seaweeds. Experiment was canied out at Minicoy Lagoon of Lakshadweep during 1998 to fmd out the feasibility of farming of H. valentiae. Two sites were selected in the intertidal zone of Minicoy lagoon, namely South end and Fisheries Jetty and farming was carried out in three seasons @re monsoon, monsoon and post monsoon). Single line bottom coir rope method was adopted for farming. The vegetative fragments of H. valentiae collected from wild were inserted between the twists of long coir ropes. Both ends of the ropes were tied to the coral stones and introduced in the intertidal waters of the lagoon. During the first harvest maximum yield of 6 fold increase was obtained in 37 days and in the second harvest during monsoon months 25 fold increase was recorded in 40 days. Large scale farming of H. valentiae without causing any damage to the lagoon ecosystem by adopting single bottom coir rope method may be taken up by the fIshmen during the lean fishing season.

    Author(s): Mohamed, Gulshad
  • This study explores the potential cultivation of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C.A. Agardh in southern Chile, for the development of novel food products. The study demonstrates the importance of considering the collection site of the parent sporophytes for successful cultivation. This study also shows that the ropes must be seeded with 10,000 to 40,000 spores ml−1, depending on the culture method used. We also demonstrated that under environmental conditions in southern Chile, the seeded ropes must be put at sea at the latest during autumn (April) in order to reach the harvesting season in December. However, several other management aspects must be considered to improve the quality of the product. Our final estimation indicates that over 14.4 kg m−1 of rope (fresh weight) can be produced and from this total production, over 70% can reach the quality to produce different food products that are already being introduced in oriental countries. The remaining 30% can be used for abalone feeding and is also available for the organic fertilizer industry located in Chile.

    Author(s): Carlos Cáceres, Roberto Marcos, Alejandro Santibañez, Verónica Muñoz, Tomás Correa, Alfonso Gutierrez, Alejandro H. Buschmann
  • Kappaphycus alvarezii is one of the economically important red algae, which yields carageenan, a commercially important polysaccharide. Carrageenans are used in a variety of commercial applications as gelling, thickening, and stabilizing agents, especially in food products such as frozen desserts, chocolate milk, cottage cheese, whipped cream, instant products, jellies, pet foods and sauces. Besides, carrageenans are used in pharmaceutical formulations, cosmetics and industrial applications such as mining. Commercial cultivation of K. alvarezii originated in Philippines in the year 1960. Since then, countries like Japan, Indonesia, Tanzania, Fiji, Kiripati, Hawaii and South Africa have been cultivating this species on a large scale. In India, cultivation of this seaweed started at Mandapam on the south-east coast of India, during 1995–1997.

    Author(s): Johnson, B, Gopakumar, G
  • Aquaculture products serve two broad market categories, namely, ‘niche’ markets and ‘mass’ markets. There are hundreds of different species produced in aquaculture, most of them niche-market species, that is, those produced in modest volumes and sold at relatively high prices to a limited number of people. Examples include various species of eels, flatfish, bass, grouper, snappers and bream. In general, at present costs of production, these species will not meet mass market value expectations and are not likely to be candidates for future, large-scale aquaculture expansion. In contrast, there are very few species that are produced on a scale large enough and at a cost low enough to be considered mass market items. Examples include some shellfish, carp, tilapia, catfish, and salmon.

    Author(s): John Forster
  • Farming Seaweed in Kiribati: A practical guide for seaweed farmers

    Author(s): Antoine Teitelbaum
  • According to World Food Summit 1996, food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to enough safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy lifestyle. In order to be food secure, the food should be available and affordable. For the more than a billion people who do not get enough regular, healthy food, ill health and a shorter life expectancy are real risks. Children, and especially very young children, who suffer from food insecurity will be less developed than children of the same age who have had sufficient food.

    Aquaculture offers a significant opportunity for improving food security and nutrition by providing nutritious, yes affordable protein to many millions of people worldwide. The increase in global population, gradual depletion of finite resources required form sustainable expansion and development of aquaculture poses threats to future fish global protein supply. Over and above, the impacts of climate change are also posing threats to sustainable aquaculture development thus requiring focused implementation of mitigation and adaptation strategies. Current paper describes how aquaculture is perceived to contributes to improving food and nutrition security and the mitigations required for overcoming climate change and other environmental challenges for maintaining sustainability of the sector. 

    Author(s): Rohana P. Subasinghe, j. Richard Arthur, Devin M. Bartley, Sena S. De Silva, Matthias Halwart, Nathanael Hishamunda, C.V. Mohan, Patrick Sorgeloos
  • Species of Gracilaria from Gulf of Mannar were analyzed for their fatty acid composition. The major fatty acids such as myristic acid, myristoleic acid, palmatic acid, palmitoleic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid were analyzed by gas liquid chromatography. The qualitative and the quantitative distribution of above fatty acids exhibited wide variation among the species of different habitat. The fatty acid content of the species collected from the same locality also showed quantitative variation depending on their distribution and the availability of light intensity to the particular species.

    Author(s): Fatty acid profiles, Marine red alga, Gracilaria
