Strategic Review of the Feasibility of Seaweed Aquaculture in Ireland


The National Seaweed Forum, commissioned by the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources in 1999, evaluated the current status of the Irish Seaweed Industry, investigate the potential uses of seaweeds and identify measures to be undertaken for developing the different industrial sectors. Seaweed aquaculture was identified as a key area for the development of the Irish Seaweed Industry to meet growing market demands and to create attractive and high–skilled jobs in peripheral communities in coastal areas.

Following these recommendations the Marine Institute commissioned this present study to investigate the feasibility of seaweed aquaculture in Ireland. Its objectives are to:

  • Review the current status of seaweed aquaculture worldwide and in NW Europe, identify seaweed species, their potential uses and economic value, which would lend themselves to aquaculture in Ireland.
  • Assess Irish expertise capable of supporting a national seaweed aquaculture programme.
  • Identify priority RTDI projects necessary for supporting a development programme.
  • Assess the availability of suitable sites for seaweed aquaculture.
  • Develop an outline strategy for a national seaweed aquaculture programme over the next ten years.

Worldwide seaweed aquaculture is a growing sector. In 2000, seaweed aquaculture production was about 10 million tonnes wet weight with an economic value of US$5.6 billion. The major producer of seaweeds is China, followed by other Japan and Korea. The majority of seaweed produced is used for human consumption and for the extraction of hydrocolloids. In Europe seaweed aquaculture is a relatively new development and still in its infancy with only a small number of commercial seaweed farms. Research is focused on the establishment of low–volume high–value seaweeds, the development of new applications for algae and the identification of specific algal compounds, food supplements, cosmetics, biomedicine and biotechnology. Recent trends in life–style towards natural, healthy products are opportune for advancement in seaweed aquaculture.

The most suitable seaweed species for cultivation in Ireland for the near future are those already used in trials and/or commercial cultivation operations in Ireland and other Western countries and for which a market demand already exists. These include algae for human consumption, nutraceuticals and cosmetics. The introduction of new, high–value species into aquaculture will depend strongly on the development of new value–added applications and markets.

Irish expertise capable of a supporting national seaweed aquaculture programme is available through Third–Level Institutions, Development Agencies, service companies, fishermen and aquaculturists, and the seaweed and other industries. It is seen as essential, however, that the main impetus for development comes from the Irish Seaweed Industry.

The assessment of the current status of the Seaweed Industry and the consultations undertaken have led to the identification of RTDI needs, which are assumed to be necessary to support a national seaweed aquaculture programme. Key areas for R&D projects concern cultivation methods, research in bioactive substances and applications, and research in biomedicine and biotechnology.

The selection of suitable seaweed aquaculture sites depends on the biological requirements of the seaweed species (such as current, water depth, salinity, nutrients) and the availability of space with respect to other coastal resource users and the designation of protected areas (such as Special Areas of Conservation). Assessment of potential sites based on selected criteria revealed that the north, west, and southwest coasts of Ireland offer a range of suitable seaweed aquaculture sites for different species. Although in many of these coastal areas there are aquaculture activities, it is not assumed that situations of competition for space arise. It is however recommended that aquacultural activities be co–ordinated if organisation structures are not already in place (such as Co–ordinated Local Aquaculture Management Systems). Special Areas of Conservation do not necessarily impose an automatic ban on the use of an area, but an environmental impact survey may be required with the application for an aquaculture licence.

Evaluation of aspects investigated in this desk study has led to the development of an outline strategy for the development of a national seaweed aquaculture programme over a ten–year period. The realisation of the seaweed aquaculture programme is divided in three phases. The main objectives are to establish commercial seaweed aquaculture operations, to advance product development in different industrial sectors and to improve marketing structures.

Astrid Werner
Declan Clarke
Stefan Kraan
Article Source: 
Marine Institute
Aquaculture methods