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    The majority of research on Malaysian seaweed farming has focused on the biological and macroeconomic aspects, and has significantly disregarded the micro-level social, cultural and economic issues, especially the relationship between seaweed cultivation and coastal communities. Therefore, this paper focuses on the social and economic aspects that have been covered in studies in the seaweed sector, together with those aspects that have been ignored. Seaweed cultivation activities have not only resulted in a contest over marine spaces and resources, but has also led to changes in the values of communities, in that communities have compromised the social values of collective care in favour of individual economic benefits. Due to the increasing tension in seaweed areas, many families have stopped helping each other; however, this aspect has been ignored in academic research. The role of migrant workers in seaweed cultivation is another topic that remains untouched. Also lacking was empirical evidence concerning the role of seaweed cultivation initiatives in reducing the economic poverty of the communities and improving coastal people‟s level of income. Finally, this paper raises some questions about the absence of data related to seaweed cultivating communities. 

    Author(s): Hanafi Hussin, Abdullah Khoso
  • The earliest record of use of seaweeds dates back to 2700 BC in the compilation on ‘Chinese Herbs’ by Emperor Shen Nung. Reports show that seaweeds have been a part of the Japanese diet since 300 BC. Seaweeds are mainly eaten in the Oriental countries like Japan, China, Korea and more recently, in USA and Europe. The Republic of Korea has the highest per capita consumption of seaweeds in the world. After human food consumption, the next most valuable commercial use of seaweeds is as raw material for extraction of phycocolloids (agar, alginate and carrageenan), which are used in several industries. With 20,000 species of seaweeds in the world, India possesses 434 species of red seaweeds, 194 species of brown seaweeds and 216 species of green seaweeds. Traditionally, seaweeds have been collected from natural stocks or wild populations. However, these resources were being depleted by over-harvesting and hence, the need for their cultivation. Today seaweed cultivation techniques are standardised, perfected and made economically favourable. Besides, industry prefers a greater stability through sustained supply of quantity and quality of raw materials. In order to prevent overexploitation of natural seaweed habitats and to meet the needs of industry in an uninterrupted manner, nearly all brown seaweeds, 63 per cent of red seaweeds and 68 per cent of green seaweeds are being cultivated. Top five cultivated seaweeds in the world are Laminaria, Porphyra, Undaria, Eucheuma and Gracilari. These together account for 5.97 million metric tonnes of seaweed production. Top 10 countries producing seaweeds are China, Korea, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Chile, Taiwan, Vietnam, Russia and Italy. The current phycocolloids (seaweed gels) industry stands at over US$ 6.2 billion. The world production of commercial seaweeds has grown by 119 per cent since 1984 and presently, 221 species of seaweeds are utilised commercially including 145 species for food and 110 species for phycocolloid production.

  • ALGAE > Volume 35(2); 2020 > Article

    Mariculture is regarded as the only option to supply the increasing demands for seaweeds as human food, feeds, fodder, and phycolloids in a sustainable manner. Technologies for culturing a range of seaweed species have been developed successively in Korea since the 1970s. In 2017, Korean marine farms produced 1,761,526 t of seaweed. The key focus of the industry is on the production of Pyropia (523,648 t), Undaria (622,613 t), and Saccharina (542,285 t). Pyropia is economically the most important species in Korea, accounting for up to 68% of total production value. As the top exporter of Pyropia in the world, Korea exported up to US $525 million of Pyropia products to 110 countries in 2018. Other economically important genera include Sargassum, Ulva, Capsosiphon, Codium, and Gracilariopsis, all of which are used for food, and Gelidium, Pachymeniopsis, and Ecklonia which are used as raw material for phycocolloid extraction. Significant work has gone into developing more productive strains of key seaweed species, and in 2012 the Korean government began to certify seaweed varieties. To date, 19 seaweed cultivars have been registered including 13 Pyropia, 5 Undaria, and 1 Saccharina. The industry is now seeking not only to increase productivity but also to add value through processing. Convenience foods and snacks have been developed that target health-conscious consumers and utilize the nutritional properties of seaweeds. The industry is also seeking to promote the sustainability of seaweed farming. One seaweed company in Korea obtained the world’s first ASC-MSC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council-Marine Stewardship Council) certification in 2019 and more are expected to follow their lead. With continued research support, the Korean seaweed industry plans to continue to expand to meet new market demands at a sustainable pace.

    Author(s): Eun Kyoung Hwang, Chan Sun Park
  • This study aims to calculate income and determine alternative strategies for seaweed cultivationbusiness development (Gracillaria sp) through spores culture in Takalar Regency. Using revenue, IE,SWOT, and QSPM formula analysis methods. The results showedthat farmers in Sanrobone subdistrictearned a higher income of Rp.3,609,100 compared to Mappakasunggu District which earned revenues ofRp.2,234,500. While the total score of values in the internal matrix is 2.92 and the external matrix is 1.31.The combination of the two values indicates the position of the business lies in cell VIII or growth strategy.The right strategy is to use quality seeds to increase export value, optimize the region as a productive area,and provide stock of spore seeds for export needs. These three strategies can be implementedsimultaneously, because they support each other.

    Author(s): Hamzah Tahang, Sutinah Made, Evi Angriani
  • Seaweeds are macroscopic marine algae attached to solid substratum, growing in the shallow waters of sea. They are important marine resources exploited for their commercial value as the source of phycocolloids such as agar, agarose, algin and carrageenan, besides their use as food, source of enzymes, dyes, drugs, growth promoters etc. In India, seaweeds are harvested from the natural beds along the Tamil Nadu and Gujarat coasts since 1966. The southeast and northwest coast of India and the Andaman-Nicobar and Laccadive archipelagoes harbour a variety of seaweeds with rich biomass and species diversity. The standing stock of seaweeds in India is estimated to be 2,60,876 tonnes. It is estimated that seaweed resource of India comprise 6% agarophytes, 8% carrageenophytes, 16% alginophytes and the remaining 70% green and other non commercial seaweeds. Indian coastline has 624 species of marine algae belonging to 215 genera and 64 families, of these nearly 60 species only are commercially important. However, in a revised checklist 844 species of marine algae have been reported from India, comprising 216 species of Chlorophyta, 191 species of Phaeophyta , 434 species of Rhodophyta and 3 species of Xanthophyta indicating a considerable increase in the species of seaweeds of India .

    Author(s): Jayasankar, Reeta
  • Seaweeds are used as human foods,lock feed and utiliser in different parts of the world. Apart from these traditional uses, the seaweed extractives of red and brown algae such as agar-agar, algin and Carrageenan, are employed in various industries, especially, food, confectionary, pharmaceuticals and textile industries. Recent studies on seaweeds gave promising results on their role in waste treatment and as potential sources of drugs and bio-energy. These new applications will further increase the demand for seaweeds in the near future.

    Author(s): Rao, M Umamaheswara
  • Seaweed has been coined the ultimate sustainable crop for a green transition. The European Union considers seaweed an important tool for mitigating CO2 emissions and making EU self-sufficient in proteins for feed purposes, but cultivation is still nascent outside South-East Asia. This paper studies seaweed cultivation in the Faroe Islands, which could provide the EU with large amounts of macroalgae due to promising geobiophysical conditions, and asks whether seaweed cultivation is beneficial for the Faroe Islands too. According to staples theory, this depends on whether resource-extracting industries are embedded in society through forward linkages (local processing) and fiscal linkages (tools for rent collection). The analysis suggests the potential for developing forward and fiscal linkages is negligible. Thus, if expansion challenges are successfully addressed, the findings serve as an early warning for policy makers: they must consider ways to circumvent market volatility if seaweed cultivation is to benefit the Faroese society.

    Author(s): Lotte Dalgaard Christensen
  • Introduction


    The Scottish Government (SG) is fully supportive of the sustainable growth of aquaculture, with due regard to the wider marine environment. The sector underpins the sustainable economic growth that supports both employment and the economic wellbeing of many fragile rural communities across Scotland. This includes the support and development of traditional aquaculture sectors, as well as possible diversification into other species, such as seaweed cultivation.

    This policy statement covers:

    • Commercial seaweed cultivation development size
    • Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) development

    Policy summary and purpose

    This policy statement aims to help facilitate the growth of the sector by setting out SG policy on the suitability of seaweed cultivation in different scenarios. This will provide those wanting to operate in this sector with a better understanding of the type of development that may be given approval. The overall benefit will be to provide greater certainty for the industry, while ensuring that activities which may have an environmental impact are understood and mitigated.

    Scotland’s National Marine Plan (NMP)

    Scotland’s NMP was adopted on 25 March 2015 and published and laid before Scottish Parliament on 27 March 2015. All authorisation and enforcement decisions by a public authority must be taken in accordance with the Plan, as must any other decisions which are capable of affecting the marine area. The application of the General Policies within Chapter 4 of the Plan will be particularly relevant in relation to seaweed issues.

    Policy development

    The Seaweed Cultivation Policy Statement (SCPS) has been informed through consultation in 2013 with various public bodies with an interest in seaweed cultivation and harvesting, including the Food Standards Agency in Scotland, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), Historic Scotland (HS), and The Crown Estate. A consultation report and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Report were also completed.

  • This presentation discusses the Seaweed Cultivation Strategies in Norway. The Multidisciplinary Support Tools:

    1. Marine biology

    2. Modeling

    3. Engineering

    4. Inter-Regionality

    will be used to reach the process of using seaweed for biofuel. 

    Author(s): Aleksander Handå, Silje Forbord, Ole J Broch, Kristine Stenhovden, Ingrid Ellingsen, Kjell I Reitan, Jorunn Skjermo
  • Seaweed is one of the sea cultivation commodities that are easy to be cultivated and have a good market prospect in improving coastal community empowerment. Moreover, the technology used to cultivate seaweed is also simple and inexpensive so it is suitable and easily adapted by coastal communities.Type of seaweed that has been cultivated in brackish water isGracilaria sp.One of the methods used for seaweed cultivation Gracilaria verrucosa is the broadcast method or spread.This method provides an increase in the growth length from 5 cm to 5.8 cm for 42 days and the weight of Gracilaria verrucosa seaweed from 10 grams to 14.1 gr for 42 days. This growth was influenced by ambient temperature including temperature 28-33 º C, salinity 5-17 ppt and degree of acidity (pH) 5-8.

    Author(s): Andi Rahmad Rahim
