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  • University of Connecticut professor Charlie Yarish, also known as ‘Capt. Seaweed,’ is a leader in the emerging U.S. sea vegetable farming industry. (

  • Development of alternative livelihoods has become a popular policy to uplift the socio-economic status of small-scale fishers and to reduce fishing pressure on overexploitedfisheries. Seaweed farming has been incorporated into many community-based coastalresources management projects and fisheries management initiatives as an alternativelivelihood option for fishers in tropical developing countries. This is typically based onseveral assumptions, either unstated or explicit, of program designers, project managersand senior policy makers. First, it is often assumed that small-scale fishers are poor andthat this is related in many cases to the overexploited nature of the resource. Secondly, itis assumed that fishers are willing to give up fishing in favor of more lucrative economicopportunities, such as seaweed farming. Lastly, it is assumed that as fishers take upalternative livelihoods such as seaweed farming, this will reduce pressure on the fisheries.This is an excellent example of a project logic framework whereby certain inputs (e.g.promotion of seaweed farming) will lead to specific outputs (e.g. improved socio-economic status of fishers, reduced fishing pressure and improved resource status). Thispaper will examine the evidence underlying these assumptions and the extent to whichdevelopment of seaweed farming as an alternative livelihood can increase socio-economic status of fishers and reduce fishing pressure based on a number of examplesfrom coastal communities in North Sulawesi, Indonesia

    Author(s): Brian Crawford
  • A PDF on "Seaweed for Biofuels".

    Author(s): Dr. Tim Atack, Dr. Jon Dunningham
  • SES on Discovery News about how to turn seaweed into a fuel source could help ease competition on land for growing crops.

    Author(s): Discovery News
  • Ocean acidification is just one of the ways in which coastal communities are already feeling the effects of a changing global ocean. The potentially devastating ramifications have made it an urgent environmental and economic issue. A collaborative project led by the Puget Sound Restoration Fund in conjunction with NOAA and other partners, was just awarded $1.5 million by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation to tackle the impacts of ocean acidification. The project looks to employ an unlikely hero: seaweed.

    “There are not a lot of tools in the tool box that can fight ocean acidification or remove carbon dioxide (CO ) from the ocean” says Dr. Michael Rust, NOAA Aquaculture Science Coordinator and a collaborator on the project. “Seaweed farms might be one of our best bets.”

  • WASHINGTON - Imagine driving up to a gas station for ethanol made not from corn farms in the heartlandbut from seaweed farms on the coasts.

    Futuristic, yes. But as the world looks for ways to reduce the use of fossil fuels, farming for seaweed as a fuel feedstock could emerge as an option. It's already starting in the earliest stages of testing in Chile.

    Author(s): Renee Schoof
  • In the past, storm cast* seaweed was gathered on foot and without mechanization or any equipment. Since the beginning of the 17th century, the commercial use of seaweed, for commercial purposes, such as in the production of glass, encouraged local populations to regulate the activity by establishing rules. For example in France, the first national text, regulating seaweed harvesting, is an ordinance of 1681 which fixed the harvesting seasons of kelp and the number of authorized harvesting days. The use of seaweed for iodine production and later for alginate prompted improvements in harvesting techniques, in order to meet the increasing industrial demand industry for the raw material. Equipment to cut seaweed and boats to carry the algae ashore were first used early in the twentieth century. In 1970, harvesting of Laminaria digitata and Laminaria hyperborea was mechanized in France and Norway. In Europe, the main exploited algae species are Laminaria hyperborea, Laminaria digitata and Ascophyllum nodosum. These species, and especially kelp forests, are considered among the most ecologically dynamic and biologically diverse habitats on the planet. Other species are found on the European Atlantic coast but few of them currently have a commercial value. European scientists have mainly focused their research mainly on kelp which is considered a Keystone Species and whose presence affects the survival and abundance of many other species in the ecosystem. Nowadays, the preservation of kelp forests is placed at the center of environmental concerns and some countries have decided to protect these habitats by restricting the use of mechanical harvesting or by creating protected areas around them. Within this context, mechanical kelp harvesting and seaweed gathering by foot, generate much discussion between scientists, fishers, processing industries and environmental non-gouvernemental organisations. Kelp harvesting is blamed for harming the ecosystem because of the damage it can cause to substrates and to the habitats of certain fish. For some scientists the removal of the kelp species provokes negative effects on the invertebrate species that live in the holdfast, the stipe or fronds or under the fronds. In countries where Laminaria spp is harvested with mechanical equipment, scientists appear to be concerned with the equipment’s impact on the species and also on the surrounding ecosystem. This document presents the main characteristics of the seaweed industry in Europe, illustrated by examples from six European countries (Norway, France, Ireland, Spain, United Kingdom and Portugal). The aim is to have an overview of the European seaweed industry from the six baseline reports prepared by the partners of this project, from literature sources and information gathered during semi-structured interviews of different stakeholders. This document briefly presents the history of seaweed harvesting activity in Europe, the current production and the techniques used in the different countries. The different regulatory systems for the resource and coastal access are detailed followed by the management of the resource and finally the management of the human beings focusing on the social dimension of the activity. The diverse uses of the seaweed resource are outlined.


    *material deposited on the shore after storms

  • The seaweed industry in India is mainly a cottage industry and is based only on the natural stock of agar yielding red seaweeds, such as Gelidiella acerosa and Gracilaria edulis, and algin yielding brown seaweed species such as Sargassum,and Turbinana. India produces 110-132 t of dry agar annually utiliziog about 880-1100 t of dry agarophytes and 360-540 t of algin froln 3 600-5 400 t of dry alginophytes.

    Author(s): Kaladharan, P, Kaliaperumal, N
  • Few studies have examined whether dietary factors might affect blood pressure in children. We purposed to investigate whether seaweed intake is associated with blood pressure level among Japanese preschool children. The design of the study was cross-sectional and it was conducted in autumn 2006. Subjects were healthy preschoolers aged 3-6 years in Aichi, Japan. Blood pressure and pulse were measured once by an automated sphygmomanometer, which uses oscillometric methods. Dietary data, including seaweed intake, were assessed using 3-day dietary records covering 2 consecutive weekdays and 1 weekend day. Of a total of 533 children, 459 (86.1 percent) agreed to be enrolled in our study. Finally, blood pressure measurement, complete dietary records and parent-reported height and weight were obtained for 223 boys and 194 girls. When we examined Spearman's correlation coefficients, seaweed intake was significantly negatively related to systolic blood pressure in girls (P = 0.008). In the one-way analysis of covariance for blood pressure and pulse after adjustments for age and BMI, the boys with the lowest, middle and highest tertiles of seaweed intake had diastolic blood pressure readings of 62.8, 59.3 and 59.6 mmHg, respectively (P = 0.11, trend P = 0.038). Girls with higher seaweed intake had significantly lower systolic blood pressure readings (102.4, 99.2 and 96.9 mmHg for girls with the lowest, middle and highest tertiles of seaweed intake, respectively; P = 0.037, trend P = 0.030). Our study showed that seaweed intake was negatively related to diastolic blood pressure in boys and to systolic blood pressure in girls. This suggests that seaweed might have beneficial effects on blood pressure among children.

    Author(s): Keiko Wada, Kozue Nakamura, Yuya Tamai, Michiko Tsuji, Yukari Sahashi, Kaori Watanabe, Sakiko Ohtsuchi, Keiko Yamamoto, Kyoko Ando, Chisato Nagata
  • Since 2011, tourism to Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula has been heavily impacted by large masses of sargassum seaweed washing up on the beaches, with the largest seaweed event occurring in 2019. Seaweed deters beach tourism, potentially shifting tourism inland towards other activities such as swimming in cenotes (sinkholes). Our mixed methods study combined data from surveys of visitors to the region, interviews with tourists and tour operators, thematic analysis of newspaper articles, laws and policies and analysis of water samples from a cenote to understand the environmental impact on cenotes of this shifting tourism industry. We identified intentional efforts by the tourism industry to encourage cenote tourism in response to the seaweed problem, and our survey and interview data confirmed that tourists are choosing to visit cenotes in lieu of beaches. Water samples from one tourist cenote in 2019 indicated increased pollution relative to previous years. Current regulations and management of tourist cenotes are weak, creating the potential for significant long term harm to the environment and to the water sovereignty of surrounding communities. Regulation of cenotes should be strengthened to protect these fragile karst ecosystems and to give local and indigenous residents a formal voice in the management process.

    Author(s): Diego Armando Casas-Beltrán, Courtney Maloof Gallaher, Emely Hernandez Yac, Karelys Febles Moreno, Kenneth Voglesonger, Rosa María Leal-Bautista, Melissa Lenczewski
