A simple method to produce fragment seedstock for aquaculture of Pterocladiella capillacea (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta)


Raw material of gelidioid red algae yielding high-quality agar has been in short supply due to overharvesting, but in situ farming of gelidioids has not been practical due to their slow growth. To produce vegetative seedstock of a cosmopolitan species, Pterocladiella capillacea, we investigated the number and length of regenerated branches arising from sectioned fragments during 3 weeks of laboratory culture at 10, 15, 20, and 25°C. All sectioned fragments formed axis-like branches mostly from the upper cut edge and stolon-like branches mostly from the lower cut edge, showing a high capacity of regeneration and intrinsic bipolarity. At 20°C, the number of regenerated branches increased to 2.74 ± 1.29 on the upper cut edge and 4.26 ± 2.66 on the lower cut edge. Our study reveals that the use of fragments bearing regenerated branches as seedstock can be a simple method to initiate fast propagation for mass cultivation in the sea or outdoor tank.

Chang Geun Choi
Ju Il Lee
Il Ki Hwang
Sung Min Boo
fragments seedstock
Pterocladiella capillacea
sustainable biomass
Article Source: 
Algae 2021, 36(4): 327-332
Aquaculture methods
Seaweed composition
Uses of Seaweeds: Feed