Aquaculture and Restoration: Perspectives from Mediterranean Sea Experiences


In this paper, the different possibilities and innovations related to sustainable aquaculturein the Mediterranean area are discussed, while different maricultural methods, and the role ofIntegrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) in supporting the exploitation of the ocean’s resources,are also reviewed. IMTA, and mariculture in general, when carefully planned, can be suitablefor environmental restoration and conservation purposes. Aquaculture, especially mariculture, isa sector that is progressively increasing in parallel with the increase in human needs; however,several problems still affect its development, mainly in relation to the choice of suitable sites, fodderproduction, and the impact on the surrounding environment. A current challenge that requiressuitable solutions is the implementation of IMTA. Unfortunately, some criticisms still affect thisapproach, mostly concerning the commercialization of new products such as invertebrates andseaweeds, notwithstanding their environmentally friendly character. Regarding the location of asuitable site, mariculture plans are currently displaced from inshore to offshore, with the aim ofreducing the competition for space with other human activities carried out within coastal waters.Moreover, in open water, waste loading does not appear to be a problem, but high-energy watersincrease maintenance costs. Some suggestions are given for developing sustainable mariculture inthe Mediterranean area, where IMTA is in its infancy and where the scarce nutrients that characterizeoffshore waters are not suitable for the farming of both filter feeder invertebrates and macroalgae.From the perspective of coupling mariculture activity with restoration ecology, the practices suggestedin this review concern the implementation of inshore IMTA, creating artificially controlled gardens, aswell as offshore mussel farming coupled with artificial reefs, while also hypothesizing the possibilityof the use of artificially eutrophized areas.

Cataldo Pierri
Caterina Longo
Sergio Rossi
Maria Flavia Gravina
Adriana Giangrande
underwater gardens
artificial reefs
sponge gardens
Article Source: 
Water 13(991)
Aquaculture methods
Ecological Services