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  • The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), as recognized by the Law of the Sea, is a zone over which a country or state has special rights for better control over its maritime affairs. The Zone, in most cases, extends for 200 nautical miles (370 km) beyond the territorial waters of the country or state, which may be between 3 and 12 nautical miles from the coastline.

    Author(s): Colin E. Nash, William T. Fairgrieve
  • The pyrenoid is a proteinaceous structure found in the chloroplast of most unicellular algae. Various studies indicate that ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is present in the pyrenoid, although the fraction of Rubisco localized there remains controversial. Estimates of the amount of Rubisco in the pyrenoid of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii range from 5% to nearly 100%. Using immunolocalization, the amount of Rubisco localized to the pyrenoid or to the chloroplast stroma was estimated for C. reinhardtii cells grown under different conditions. It was observed that the amount of Rubisco in the pyrenoid varied with growth condition; about 40% was in the pyrenoid when the cells were grown under elevated CO2 and about 90% with ambient CO2. In addition, it is likely that pyrenoidal Rubisco is active in CO2 fixation because in vitro activity measurements showed that most of the Rubisco must be active to account for CO2-fixation rates observed in whole cells. These results are consistent with the idea that the pyrenoid is the site of CO2 fixation in C. reinhardtii and other unicellular algae containing CO2-concentrating mechanisms.

    Author(s): James V. Moroney, Catherine B. Mason, Olga N. Borkhsenious
  • Limu is food, first and foremost, for fish, forming part of the foundation of a complex trophic web that spans from plankton to people. Limu is also food for people, probably most commonly brought to mind as an essential ingredient in our lunchtime poke bowls. Limu has extensive uses in all manner of foods, both Hawaiian and the many other ethnic types represented in our communities, and at events from baby parties to New Year celebrations. Pickled, salted, dried, raw, chopped, fried, boiled, no matter the form, limu for eating is a gif shared among friends and family for afirming ties.

    Unfortunately, as urbanization and invasive species pressures increase, the limu which we eat so fondly is disappearing from our coastlines, and only by deliberate effort can we reverse that trend. The recipes on the following pages propose a different, more abundant relationship with limu, from a taste being lost to us, to an ingredient that is vibrantly present, both on our shorelines and in our bellies. In caring for our ocean places, we can all be a part of bringing these recipes to life and to our tables. From soups and salads to crispy snacks, explore and experiment with the tastes and textures of this traditional, yet novel, ingredient.

    Author(s): Miwa Tamanaha
  • We have evaluated the cultivation potential of sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) as a function of latitude and position (near- and offshore) along the Norwegian coast using a coupled 3D hydrodynamic-biogeochemical-kelp model system (SINMOD) run for four growth seasons (2012–2016). The results are spatially explicit and may be used to compare the suitability of different regions for kelp cultivation, both inshore and offshore.The simulation results were compared with growth data from kelp cultivation experiments and in situ observations on coverage of naturally growing kelp. The model demonstrated a higher production potential offshore than in inshore regions, which is mainly due to the limitations in nutrient availability caused by the stratification found along the coast. However, suitable locations for kelp cultivation were also identified in areas with high vertical mixing close to the shore. The results indicate a latitudinal effect on the timing of the optimal period of growth, with the prime growth period being up to 2 months earlier in the south (58 ◦N) than in the north (71 ◦N). Although the maximum cultivation potential was similar in the six marine ecoregions in Norway (150–200 tons per hectare per year), the deployment time of the cultures seems to matter significantly in the south, but less so in the north. The results are discussed, focusing on their potential significance for optimized cultivation and to support decision making toward sustainable management.

    Author(s): Ole Jacob Broch, Morten Omholt Alver, Trine Bekkby, Hege Gundersen, Silje Forbord, Aleksander Handå, Jorunn Skjermo, Kasper Hancke
  • It’s rare to get good news from the sea. Water ­temperatures are rising, fish stocks are being depleted, and the fish we do eat are increasingly full of microplastics. But the oceans do hold one positive portent: Seaweed. It’s ­regenerative — it can grow about a foot a day — and carbon and nitrogen sequestering. Research suggests that, per acre, it can absorb more than 20 times as much carbon dioxide as a forest. In the U.S. and Canada, entrepreneurs are cultivating it and other macro algae for everything from kelp jerky to capsules containing shots of Glenlivet.

    These companies have ambitious plans to grow in 2020, taking up more and more space on shelves and cleaning up more and more oceans. “We are eyes on the blue green economy,” says Chelsea Briganti, chief executive officer of utensil maker Loliware. “Seaweed represents an opportunity everywhere you look.”

    Author(s): Kate Krader
  • This article reviews the level of current scientific understanding regarding the impact of future change in the large-scale climate-earth system on ecosystem services. Impacts from sea level rise, ocean acidification, increases in ocean temperature, potential collapse of the thermohaline circulation; failure of the South Asia monsoon; the melting of sea ice, the Greenland Ice Sheet and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet; changes in water availability; and Amazonia forest dieback, are considered. The review highlights that while a number of uncertainties remain in understanding, there is evidence to suggest that climate change may have already affected some ecosystem services. Furthermore, there is considerable evidence to show that future climate change could have impacts on biodiversity, as well as secondary impacts on issues important to human society, including; habitability; land productivity and food security; water security; and potential economic impacts.

    Author(s): Simon N. Gosling
  • Seaweed is essentially a potassie fertilizer, being specially rich in potash, but it also contains notable amounts of nitrogen and other elements of plant food, so that it might be terined a complete manner.

    Fresh seaweed in undoubtedly a watery manure, containing from 65 to 90 percent of water and it is this fact, no doubt, (the cartage being a more or less expensive feature) that limits its use to those living more or less close to the shore. A part of this useless water may be got rid of by drying the seaweed on the beach for a few days before hauling to the farm. But not withstanding its large percentage of water, seaweed compares quite favourably, weight for weight, with barnyarnd manure, and it has this advantage that it brings to the farm no weed seeds nor insects nor fungus pests. 

    Analyses of many Canadian seaweeds, more especially from the Atlantic seaboard, have been made in the Experimental Farm laboratory in Ottawa, and we append in tabular form certain of the data as illustrative of their general composition. 

    Author(s): Frank T. Shutt
  • Current global seaweed production is nearly 30 million wet metric tons... more than 1/2 of global aquaculture production. However, production is labor intensive and geographically limited to near shore, protected ocean environments. 

    Current state of technology will never scale to meet ENERGY and CO2 Capture demands!

    Author(s): Marc von Keitz
  • The world seaweed industry is currently worth over US$7.4 billion, and the potential for increased seaweed use exists in many countries. The species diversity of seaweeds in Mauritius has been extremely well documented in comparison with many local islands and regions, largely due to the work of the Danish phycologist Dr F. Boergesen, published from 1940-1957. The recorded seaweed flora is currently 435 species (59 brown algae, 108 green algae and 268 red algae), which is more than have thus far been recorded in either Kenya or Tanzania, and many more than for any other similar islands in the Indian Ocean. The world seaweed industry is growing rapidly, particularly the aquaculture sector, and possibilities for sustainable seaweed utilisation in Mauritius are discussed. Most seaweed culture for human food occurs in temperate regions, and current successful industries in tropical environments, especially the culture of Eucheuma / Kappaphycus for carrageenans, are in developing countries with low average incomes, often involving the importation of non-indigenous species. Possibilities exist in the aquaculture of seaweeds including in integrated systems for bioremediation and/or as animal feed, as well as the potential for utilisation of abundant species as feed or fertiliser or in small value-added industries. As an example, the worldwide uses of Sargassum, perhaps the most abundant local genus, are discussed.

    Author(s): J J Bolton , R Bhagooli , L Mattio
  • Colistin, a last resort antibiotic, is important for controlling infections with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. The recent emergence of mobile-colistin-resistance (mcr) genes has threatened the effectiveness of colistin. Aquaculture is hypothesized to be a major contributor to the evolution and dissemination of mcr. However, data on mcr in aquaculture are limited. Here, the occurrence of mcr-1 was assessed in Rainbow Trout in Lebanon, a country with developing antimicrobial stewardship and an established use of colistin for medical and farming purposes. mcr-1 was detected in 5 Escherichia coli isolated from fish guts. The isolates were classified as multidrug-resistant and their colistin minimum inhibitory concentration ranged between 16 and 32 μg/mL. Whole genome sequencing analysis showed that mcr-1 was carried on transmissible IncX4 plasmids and that the isolates harbored more than 14 antibiotic resistance genes. The isolates belonged to ST48 and ST101, which have been associated with mcr and can occur in humans and fish. The mcr-1-positive E. coli persisted in 6-day biofilms, but there was a potential fitness cost. Given the status of infrastructure in Lebanon, there is a high potential for the dissemination of mcr via aquatic environments. Urgent actions are needed to control mcr and to enhance antimicrobial stewardship in Lebanon.

    Author(s): Issmat I. Kassem, Imad P. Saoud, Xiangyu Deng, Shaoting Li, David Mann, Razan Zein Eddine, Jouman Hassan
