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  • Cost-effective production of juveniles to release size (>3 g) is a primary objective in the culture of Holothuria scabra. Ocean nursery systems were developed to help overcome the space limitations of a small hatchery setup and shorten the rearing period in the hatchery. The growth and survival of first-stage juveniles (4–10 mm) in two ocean nursery systems—floating hapas and bottom-set hapa cages—were compared with those reared in hapa nets in a marine pond. Juveniles reared in these nursery systems were healthy and in good condition. Survival was not substantially different in hapa nets in marine ponds and floating hapas. However, growth in pond hapa nets was higher than in the two ocean nursery systems. Nonetheless, the estimated cost of producing juveniles in the floating hapa system is considerably cheaper compared with those reared in the other systems. Moreover, local community partners easily maintained the floating hapas and reared the juveniles to release size. Further, the effects of sand conditioning on juvenile quality were also investigated. The growth of sand-conditioned juveniles was higher than unconditioned ones in hatchery tanks, and more conditioned juveniles buried within the first hour of release in the field. From floating hapas, juveniles can be conditioned in sea pens for at least 1 week, or reared to bigger sizes for 1–2 months (>20 g) prior to release. However, whether this intermediate rearing procedure will be practical with large numbers of juveniles needs to be considered. Results show that ocean nursery systems are simple and viable alternative systems for scaling up juvenile sandfish production compared with hapas in marine ponds, which might not be available and accessible to small fishers.

    Author(s): Tirso O. Catbagan, Christine Mae A. Edullantes, Rafael Junnar P. Dumalan, Glycinea M. de Peralta, Marie Antonette Juinio-Meñez
  • Twenty years ago, offshore aquaculture – fish and shellfish farming in U.S. federal waters – was an emerging technology with tremendous potential. The United States and other countries were at the forefront of an engineering and technology revolution, much like the old race to the moon. Bit by bit, scientists, engineers, and researchers began to figure out the “how” for this type of aquaculture. They developed dependable cage systems, remote feeders, monitoring systems, and broodstock for species that would thrive in the open ocean environment. Every success fueled more interest. The potential for this type of seafood production was obvious – so were the challenges. Could this type of aquaculture be brought online safely as a way to complement wild harvest? Would it be economically viable? What about license to operate?

    Today, aquaculture in federal waters is among the most talked-about technologies associated with the future of seafood production in the United States. This recent wave of interest in the offshore has strong roots in Chapter 24 of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s September 2004 report to Congress, An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century. In its report, the Commission recommended that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) develop a comprehensive, environmentally sound permitting and regulatory program for marine aquaculture.

    In December 2004, the Administration responded to Commission recommendations with the President’s Ocean Action Plan. That plan specifically called for national legislation to allow aquaculture in U.S. federal waters. The Administration’s legislative proposal to establish a regulatory framework was submitted to Congress in 2005 and again in 2007. The latter proposal also calls for an expanded research program for all of U.S. marine aquaculture.

    The introduction of national legislation for marine aquaculture garnered attention in the media and spawned a useful and ongoing national debate about the role of domestic aquaculture in America’s seafood supply. That debate centers around a host of marine management, economic, environmental, conservation, health, social, and regulatory issues. It also includes the eventual design of aquaculture regulations for federal waters and associated federal programs. As the agency at the center of the debate, and the one that would likely be tasked with developing and implementing any new federal regulations, NOAA commissioned a study group composed of fisheries resource economists and business experts to address key economic issues associated with offshore marine aquaculture. That effort resulted in this report, Offshore Aquaculture in the United States: Economic Considerations, Implications & Opportunities.  

    Author(s): James Balsiger, Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., Carlos M. Gutierrez, Diego Valderrama, Gina L. Shamshak, Michael Rubino, Colin E. Nash, Gunnar Knapp, James E. Kirkley, Di Jin, John Forster, James L. Anderson
  • The U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is focused on creating domestic seafood supply to meet the growing demand for all seafood products. Currently, over 70% of the seafood Americans consume is imported, and at least 40% of those imports are farmed seafood. Domestic aquaculture can be an effective option to reduce dependence on seafood imports, provide jobs for economically depressed coastal communities, and increase regional food supply and security. As it develops, offshore aquaculture will be one component of the broader NOAA Aquaculture Program, which currently addresses coastal and onshore marine shellfish and finfish farming. NOAA’s Aquaculture Program also includes stock enhancement research and hatchery activities that support commercial and recreational fishing, endangered species restoration, and habitat restoration.

    Author(s): Michael Rubino, Kevin Amos
  • The U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is focused on creating domestic seafood supply to meet the growing demand for all seafood products. Currently, over 70% of the seafood Americans consume is imported, and at least 40% of those imports are farmed seafood. Domestic aquaculture can be an effective option to reduce dependence on seafood imports, provide jobs for economically depressed coastal communities, and increase regional food supply and security. As it develops, offshore aquaculture will be one component of the broader NOAA Aquaculture Program, which currently addresses coastal and onshore marine shellfish and finfish farming. NOAA’s Aquaculture Program also includes stock enhancement research and hatchery activities that support commercial and recreational fishing, endangered species restoration, and habitat restoration.

  • Changes in blade morphology of Saccharina latissima may be of importance for its commercial cultivation. Blade features were compared between the cultivation in horizontal rope and in hanging rope during its reproduction period (early autumn and early spring of next year). Cultivation experiments were conducted from February on a sheltered coastal area of a bay of Galicia (N.W. Spain). According to the results, the morphological differences were significant in area of blade which affected to blade biomass, although only significantly during the reproduction period of early spring. Moreover, the cultivation method significantly affects always significantly to “substantiality value”, an index that express the blade quality for human consumption. The variation in morphological features of S. latissima blade seems that were caused by different hydrodynamics of both cultivation methods.

    Author(s): Ó. Freire, C. Peteiro
  • The potential of seaweeds as feedstock for oil-based bioproducts was investigated, and the results support seaweeds as a biomass source for oil-based bioproducts. Seaweeds have not traditionally been perceived as a suitable feedstock for oil-based bioproducts because of their low content of lipids and fatty acids. In contrast to this perception the first major outcome of this thesis was the provision of new benchmark species of seaweed for oil-based bioproducts, selected because of their high oil contents combined with high proportions of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA(n-3)), which are the target fatty acids for high value products in health and nutrition. The three key species of seaweed identified were Spatoglossum macrodontum, Dictyota bartayresii and Derbesia tenuissima with high total lipid contents (~ 12 % dry weight (dw)) and high total fatty acid contents (4 – 8 % dw). These species also had a high proportion of PUFA(n-3) which were ~ 20 % of total fatty acids (TFA) in S. macrodontum and D. bartayresii and over 30 % of TFA in D. tenuissima. The second major outcome of this thesis was then the identification and quantification of natural variability of fatty acids within the key species of seaweed which can be exploited for further improvements in the content and composition of fatty acids. For S. macrodontum, the content of TFA (55 – 83 mg g⁻¹ dw) and the proportion of PUFA(n-3) (16 – 25 % of TFA) varied substantially (~ 50 %) on a temporal scale. For D. bartayresii, the content of TFA (45 – 55 mg g⁻¹ dw) varied slightly (~ 20%) and the proportion of PUFA(n-3) (16 – 24 % of TFA) varied substantially (~ 50 %) on a temporal scale. There was also spatial variation for D. bartayresii which was ~ 50 % for the content of TFA (36 – 54 mg g⁻¹ dw) but less than 10 % for the proportion of PUFA(n-3) (18 – 20 % of TFA). The third major outcome of this thesis was then the demonstration that environmental parameters are drivers for fatty acid variability in these species. The first line of evidence was from seasonal field-based studies on S. macrodontum and D. bartayresii which showed a higher proportion of PUFA(n-3) in winter when water temperature and light availability were at their annual minimum (~ 40 – 50 % higher in winter). In a second line of experimental evidence for D. tenuissima, colder water temperature was identified as the major driver (explained ~ 40 % of the total variability) to improve the proportion of PUFA(n-3) by ~ 20 % in this species. In a similar manner, high light intensity reduced the quality of the biomass by increasing saturation. The fourth major outcome of this thesis was the identification of a relationship between biotic parameters (plant size and life cycle stage) and fatty acids. In D. bartayresii, plants with a larger thallus length had significantly higher contents of TFA and slightly higher proportions of PUFA(n-3) and in S. macrodontum older plants in their "decline phase" had a more saturated fatty acid profile than younger plants in their "growth phase". Both the environmentally and biotic driven variability in fatty acids can be exploited through culture and harvest strategies to improve the fatty acid content and quality in these feedstocks. The fifth major outcome of this thesis was for the first time the provision of evidence for the genotypic variability of fatty acids within species of seaweed which is the basis for selective breeding to improve the yield of target fatty acids. First, there was substantial spatial variability (~ 40 – 60 %) in the content of fatty acids between the sampling locations of D. bartayresii, suggesting genotypic differences between populations. The second line of evidence was from experimental data on isolates of D. tenuissima where the content of TFA ranged from 34 to 55 mg g⁻¹ dw and 49 % of the variation was genotypic (between isolates). The proportion of PUFA(n-3) ranged from 31 to 46 % of TFA with a strong interactive effect of genotype and water temperature. In two isolates, the proportion of PUFA(n-3) increased by 20 % under cultivation at low temperature while in a third isolate temperature had no effect. Increases in PUFA(n-3) occurred with a stable content of TFA and high growth rates, leading to net increases in PUFA(n-3) productivity in two isolates. And last, the sixth major outcome of this thesis was the identification of fatty acid variability within individual plants. The content of TFA and to a lesser degree in the composition of fatty acids varied substantially within plants of S. macrodontum (TFA: 21 – 106 mg g⁻¹ dw) and D. bartayresii (TFA: 40 – 57 mg g⁻¹ dw) with a higher content of TFA and a higher proportion of PUFA(n-3) in the upper sections compared to the base. Overall, this thesis provides the basic framework on which to develop strategies for the domestication of seaweeds for the production of oil-based bioproducts in a similar manner to the past improvements in the oil yield of terrestrial oil crops and also microalgae. The most important domestication steps identified in this thesis were species selection and permanent improvements in the content and composition of fatty acids through selective breeding with D. tenuissima being the prime target species for this process.

    Author(s): Björn J. Gosch
  • Taxonomic investigations of members of the family Gracilariaceae of the seas around India are very limited and many of the Gracilaria species hitherto reported from this area are inadequately described. During the course of studies on the agar-yielding seaweeds, different species of Gracilaria and Gracilariopsis were collected from the east and west coasts of India, Laccadives, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In this paper seventeen species and two varieties of Gracilaria and two species of Gracilariopsis are described in detail. The species of these two genera are as follows : Gracilaria arcuata v. typica Zanardini, G. arcuata V. attenuata var. nov., G. cacalia (J. Agardh) Dawson, G. canaliculata (Kuetzing) Sonder, G. corticata v. typica J. Agardh, G. corticatav. cylindrica var. nov., G. cylindrica Boergesen, G. disticha J. Ajjardh, G. edulis (Gmelin) Silva, G. foliifera (Forsskal) Boergesen, G.indica sp. nov., G. kanyakumariensis sp. nov., G. mannarensis sp. nov., G. millardetii (Montagen) J. Agardh, G. obtusa (Kuetzing) De Toni, G. opuntia (Svedelius) Durairatnam, G. textorii (Suringer) J. Agardh, G. verricosa (Hudson) Papenfuss, Gracilaria sp., Gracilariopsis megaspora Dawson and Gr. sjoestedtii (Kylin) Dawson.

    Author(s): Rao, M Umamaheswara
  • Boergesen (1937) reported Bostrychia tenella (VahI.) J. Ag. from Indian waters. Some details regarding the morphology of the alga are available to some extent by the works of Montagne(1828).Falkenberg (1901). Post (1936). Tseng(1942)and Joly (1954) . The detailed structure of the alga and the development of the reproductive structures are not known completely. Advantage was taken of the occurrence of Bostrychia tenella in the Gulf of Mannar at Mandapam to study the morphology of the species both from living specimans and from material fixed in 4% formalin and forma lin -acetic-alcohol. Suitable preparations were stained in eosine and mounted in glycerine for microscopic examination. Sometimes the material had to be softened by placing in 1 % acetic acid or 1 % lithium chloride solution. While thin sections were used frequantly. most datails could be observed on whole mounts and squashes of suitable pieces of the thallus of the alga.

    Author(s): Mohan Joseph, M, Rao, K Rama
  • Sundried and powdered Sargassum wigluii was treated with 1 % HcI, 1 % NaOH and 10% formalin and fresh material of the same species with different concentrations of formalin, 140%, with a view to assessing the effect of chemical pre-Ireatment on the yield and viscosity of the algin content. The study indicates that high yield and viscosity of the product could be obtained by pre-treating the fresh a1ginophytes with 1-5% formalin.

    Author(s): Jayasankar, Reeta
  • Two species of Kallymenia from the Hawaiian Islands, one rare, K sessilis Okamura, and the other described here for the first time, K thompsonii, n. sp., are examined, compared, and contrasted with other similar Kallymenia species. Both species are unusual because Kallymenia is generally regarded as a temperate taxon, and tropical or subtropical species are seldom encountered. The two species are alike in that they have a female reproductive apparatus that is monocarpogonial: wherein a single carpogonial filament is associated with a supporting cell also bearing an arrangement of subsidiary cells that is characteristic of some of the family Kallymeniaceae. In the genus Kallymenia, vegetative components shown in a cross section are a narrow outer cortex, often only three cells thick, followed inwardly by one to two layers of subcortical cells. In the two species studied here, there appears to be a constant shape and arrangement ofsubcortical cells in each species, whereas the number of medullary filaments and their arrangements appear to be less stable in their configuration than the subcortical cells. Branched refractive cells or stellate cells, which often occur in species of Kallymenia, were not seen in K thompsonii and only rarely in K sessilis. Kallymenia thompsonii commonly has perforations in the maturing blades, whereas K. sessilis does not.

    Author(s): Isabella A. Abbott, Karla J. McDermid
