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  • The conversion of marine biomass was studied with kelp-degrading methane-producing enrichment cultures. Mannitol and alginate are used concurrently. Hydrogen ranged I from 50nM to 1.2 pM. The appearance of ethanol correlates with increased hydrogen. A method was developed for measurement of intermediates in the sea water medium used for the enrichments. Acetate and propionate were found in the greatest concentrations. Several methylotrophic methanogens were isolated including a new genus, Methanococcoides. New strains of hydrogen and formate-utilizing methanogens were isolated. Formate dehydrogenase from Methanobacterium formicicum was purified and characterized. The isolated enzyme contains a cofactor not previously reported in methanogens. It was shown that formate can be an important substrate for methanogens in anaerobic habitats. For the production of acetate and hydrogen gas in high yield, mannitolfermenting bacteria can be found in strains of Clostridium sphenoides and C. sartagoformum. Alginatefermenting bacteria can be found -ifrainseroidzs ovatus, Cytophaga, Citrobacter and Klebsiella. Hydrogen partial pressure does not affect the fermentation pattern of B. ovatus, but heme does. The low potential electron carrier of - B. ovatus is a ferredoxin.

    Author(s): J. S. Chen, J. G. Ferry
  • It has been suggested that naturally occurring copper and zinc concentrations in deep seawater are toxic to marine organisms when the free ion forms are overabundant. The effects of micronutrients on the growth of gametophytes of the ecologically and commercially significant giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) were studied in defined media. The results indicate that toxic copper and zinc ion concentrations as well as cobalt and manganese deficiencies may be among the factors controlling the growth of marine organisms in nature.

    Author(s): James S. Kuwabara
  • The global demand for clean products obtained from biobased resources has increased significantly with the rapid growth of the world’s population. In this context, microbially-produced compounds are highly attractive for their safety, reliability, being environment friendly and sustainability. Nevertheless, the cost of the carbon sources required for such approaches accounts for greater than 60% of the total expenses, which further limits the scaling up of industries. In recent years, algae have been used in numerous industrial areas because of their rapid growth rate, easy cultivation, ubiquity and survival in harsh conditions. Over the past decade, notable advances have been observed in the extraction of high-value compounds from algae biomass (ABs). However, few studies have investigated ABs as green substrates for microbial conversion into value-added products. This review presents the potential of ABs as the substrates for microbial growth to produce industrially-important products, which sheds light on the importance of the symbiotic relationship between ABs and microbial species. Moreover, the successful algal-bacterial gene transformation paves the way for accommodating green technology advancements. With the escalated need for natural pigments, biosurfactants, natural plastics and biofuels, ABs have been new resources for microbial biosynthesis of these value-added products, resolving the problem of high carbon consumption. In this review, the fermentative routes, process conditions, and accessibility of sugars are discussed, together with the related metabolic pathways and involved genes. To conclude, the full potential of ABs needs to be explored to support microbial green factories, producing novel bioactive compounds to meet global needs. 

    Author(s): Fady Abd El-Malek, Marian Rofeal, Hossain M. Zabed, Abdul-Sattar Nizami, Mohammad Rehan, Xianghui Qi
  • Multifaceted and diverse energy sources will replace our once massive accumulations of energy reserves. One of these energy sources will be biomass and its natural products; in fact, it will most certainly be one of the essential elements in the complex of the future energy structure. Solar and chemical energy conversion, through biology as a practical energy conversion mechanism, has been extensively documented and reviewed; therefore, this discussion will be restricted to microbial fermentations with specific evaluations of the potentials for microorganisms to synthesize oily hydrocarbons as fermentation products. In biosynthesis, the acyclic hydrocarbons are referred to as fermentation products on the basis of the strict definition of fermentation as being those chemical energy yielding reactions that require organic components as electron acceptors. A generalized fermentation scheme is given in the figure. The scheme is purposely restrictive to emphasize products that are potential fuels. Each of the fermentation products represents a valuable energy form. The most efficient of these fermentation products, in terms of cost of production, cannot be fairly evaluated at this time because of the differences in cell cultivation requirements, product recovery, and most importantly, since many of these products via microbial fermentations are not yet sufficiently developed for commercial consideration. With increasing awareness of microorganisms which grow well or adapt to marginal, extreme or waste environments (taking into account the benefit value of these environments and the rising expenses of waste treatment) the distinct probability exists that the production costs in developing fermentation systems for fuel will become increasingly feasible and attractive. Although the compounds listed in the figure are acceptable fuels and are accessible through microbial processes, the obvious selection of a biochemical fuel for development cannot be determined at this time because not all systems have been adequately investigated. The competitive readiness of the different fermentation systems and the economics of producing each product as they become developed will automatically map out our course of action in years to come

    Author(s): T. G. Tornabene
  • This document is the second of three volumes of the proceedings an international seminar which focused on student misconceptions in science and mathematics as well as teaching strategies intended to deal with those misconceptions. An introduction to the volume explains the format of the conference and the organization of the sessions. It stresses the attention given to constructivism by the participants, as well as some of the problems associated with defining misconceptions and alternative frameworks. The remainder of the document contains 51 of the papers presented at the seminar, arranged in alphabetical order by senior author. These papers covered such topics as teacher education, teaching strategies, biology, and elementary science. Also included is a list of the conference participants. (TW)

    Author(s): Joseph Novak
  • Ruminants are responsible for a large proportion of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in the form of methane. This can be managed. It is a global initiative to increase productivity of the livestock sector to meet a growing population, but with emphasis on decreasing enteric methane to achieve emissions targets. We investigated the marine red macroalga (seaweed) Asparagopsis taxiformis as a feed ingredient to fundamentally eliminate enteric methane in beef cattle fed a high grain diet and provide evidence of improved livestock production performance. Asparagopsis was included in the feed of Brahman-Angus cross steers at 0.00%, 0.05%, 0.10%, and 0.20% of feed organic matter. Emissions were monitored in respiration chambers fortnightly over 90 d of treatment, steers were weighed weekly prior to feeding, feed intake monitored daily, rumen fluid samples collected in conjunction with respiration chambers for assessment of rumen function, feces were collected for bromoform residue analysis, and meat, organ, and fat were collected post slaughter for residue analysis and sensory evaluation. Steers receiving 0.10% and 0.20% Asparagopsis demonstrated decreased methane up to 40% and 98%, and demonstrated weight gain improvements of 53% and 42%, respectively. There was no negative effect on daily feed intake, feed conversion efficiencies, or rumen function, and no residues or changes in meat eating quality were detected. Commercial production of Asparagopsis could create new economies, and with low inclusion rates of this seaweed in ruminant diets the industry has the potential to revolutionize management of greenhouse gas emissions across the ruminant livestock sector with complementary benefits to the environment, and economy of the wider agriculture sector.

    Author(s): Nigel W. Tomkins, Marie Magnusson, Rocky de Nys, Melissa K. Matthews, Gonzalo Martinez-Fernandez, Robert D. Kinley
  • The mineral composition of tomatoes is an important intrinsic quality parameter, concerning both the conservation and the nutritional value of the product. This study investigates the effects of the mineral composition of the nutrient solution and the moisture content of the substrate on the mineral content of hydroponically grown tomato fruits. Using “design and analysis of mixture systems“, a {3.1} simplex lattice design extended with the overall centroid was set-up in the cation factor space (K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) of the nutrient solution. For each nutritional composition two moisture contents (40 and 80 volume %) of the substrates were investigated.

    Higher moisture content of the substrate yielded a higher production, due to the production of more tomatoes of the same weight. Increasing the K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentration of the nutrient solution resulted in a higher potassium, calcium and magnesium content of the fruit respectively. No interaction effect on fruit mineral content between moisture content of the substrate and mineral content of the nutrient solution was found. This study demonstrates the usefulness of mixture theory for investigating the effect of preharvest mineral nutritional factors on fruit quality.

    Author(s): G. De Rijck, E. Schrevens
  • The Maine sea urchin fishery is a classic boom–bust fishery in which efforts to sustain the resource failed despite the creation of a co-management system. We report on ethnographic work undertaken to assist in the development of a fine scale model of the natural system of this fishery. The development of the natural system model required understanding the key linkages between the biology and ecology of the sea urchin and the behavior of fishermen. Information was gathered from the primary scientific literature and from interviews with sea urchin industry members and scientists. Urchin–kelp interactions at a very fine scale create patchy, almost sedentary aggregations of urchins. Settlement of larval urchins appears to be ubiquitous; however, after settlement patches of urchins operate as nearly independent demographic units. In the short term – months to several years – the abundance of urchins in any patch and the spatial dynamics within these patches are determined largely by the actions of fishermen. Consequently, the resource can be characterized as a dynamic fitness landscape in which the spatial structure of urchin patches is the principal determinant of fishermen’s harvesting strategies and fishermen’s activities are the principal determinant ofthe spatial structure of urchin patches.While doing the interviews for the natural system model, we developed a fine scale alternative to the usual theoretical explanation of overfishing. The scale of managementin the fishery occurs at a much broader scale than the demographically relevant scale of urchin patches. This results in a mismatch of ecological and management scales that leave each patch in the fishery in an open access state, resulting in a very fine scale form of serial overfishing that removes, piece-by-piece, discrete, local aggregations of sea urchins.

    Author(s): Teresa R. Johnson, James A. Wilson, Caitlin Cleaver, Graham Morehead, Robert Vadas
  • Rapid worldwide development of marine finfish cage farming has raised awareness over the possible genetic and ecological effects of escaped fish on wild populations. With increased interest in implementation of marine aquaculture in the United States, NOAA Fisheries and other regulators charged with stewardship of marine ecosystems need tools to understand and mitigate risks presented by aquaculture escapees. To develop anunderstanding of genetic and ecological effects of escapes and design management strategies to address potential risks to marine resources, NOAA Fisheries has developed a numerical decision-support tool: the Off-shore Mariculture Escapes Genetics/Ecological Assessment (OMEGA) model. The OMEGA model is an extension of concepts from another model, the All-H Analyzer (AHA) that is used successfully in the U.S. Pacific Northwest to evaluate genetic and ecological interactions between hatchery and wild salmon and trout. OMEGA model input parameters include size and growth characteristics of cultured fish, frequency and magnitude of escape events, survival of escapees in the wild, probability of escapees encountering a conspecific natural population and interbreeding,and population dynamics of the natural population. Model results describe the influence of aquaculture escapees on spawning biomass, juvenile production, andgenetic fitness of the composite population. Effects of interactions on fitness and abundance are based on the frequency and relativeabundance of cultured fish that escape and survive to encounter a natural population, the difference in survival characteristics between the artificial and the natural environments, and the genetic legacy of the cultured and natural populations. NOAA Fisheries is using the OMEGA model to identify and evaluate risks of marine aquaculture operations, design sustainable aquaculture programs, explore the effects of regulation, and identify research priorities for areas of uncertainty. This talk will describe the model and present results for a hypothetical sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) culture program along the U.S. West Coast. We are interested in speaking with any and all individuals interested in collaborating on the further development of the model, applying the model to other species of interest such as rockfish(Sebastes spp.), yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata), salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), or any other aquaculture candidate species, and to identify opportunities to validate model results.

    Author(s): Jason D. VOLK, Michael B. RUST, Gregory R. BLAIR, Lars E. MOBRAND, Conrad V. W. MAHNKEN, Walton W. DICKHOFF
  • Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) is being explored on both economic and environmental grounds in many traditional aquaculture regions. To test a variety of suitable macroalgae species and management scenarios, a numerical model is developed to quantify the remediation of dissolved nutrients and production of macroalgae near a nutrient source. Differences in the morphological, physiological, and economic characteristics of different macroalgae species can provide flexibility when considering the cost and benefit of farming macroalgae. Results show that of the three species studied, Macrocystis pyrifera removed 75 % of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) input from a point source, while Porphyra umbilicalis and Ulva lactuca removed 5 %. Both M. pyrifera and P. umbilicalis have reduced bioremediation capacity at increasing flow rates. U. lactuca showed increased bioremediation potential as flow rate increased from low to moderate flows. Increasing the optical depth increased the bioremediation potential of M. pyrifera for moderate values of the light attenuation coefficient, whereas bioremediation was unaffected by optical depth for both U. lactuca and P. umbilicalis. Harvesting increased bioremediation capacity of all species by up to 25-fold dependent on the establishment phase and harvesting frequency. We conclude that the choice of macroalgae species greatly affects the success of IMTA and that both harvesting and farm arrangements can be used to greatly optimize bioremediation.
    Table 2 Comparison of the growth rates as determined by the model result with that for the same species evaluated in a field-based IMTA experiment 
    Table 5 (continued) 
    Table 5 Parameters for the macroalgal growth model 
    Author(s): Catriona K Macleod, Craig Johnson , Karen Wild-Allen, Scott Hadley
