A pilot-scale study of the vegetative propagation and suspended cultivation of the carrageenophyte alga Gigartina skottsbergii in southern Chile


Different propagation techniques for cultivationof vegetativeGigartina skottsbergiifronds were testedusing a system of suspended ropes, to which inoculantswere attached. Our results showed that triangular fragmentsobtained from the circularG. skottsbergiithalli producedharvestable frond of 800 cm2after 8 months. In contrast,inoculants of intact juvenile fronds of comparable sizeneeded at least 10 months to reach the same size. A controlexperiment with spores developing on an artificial substrateshowed that 20 months were needed to reach a surface of500 cm2, confirming the superiority of our fragment culturesystem. A pilot study demonstrated that with a density ofsix fronds m−1of farming line, the proposed system can beeconomically interesting for local fishermen.

Renato Westermeier
David J. Patiño
Pedro Murúa
Juan C. Quintanilla
Juan Correa
Alejandro H. Buschmann
Ismael Barros
Gigartina skottsbergii
Southern Chile
Article Source: 
J. Appl Phycol (2012) 24: 11-20
Aquaculture methods
Basic Biology
Seaweed composition