Ecological studies on the fauna associated with economic seaweeds of South India-I. Species composition, feeding habits and interrelationships


A great deal of information is available on tbe fauna associated witb seaweeds of temperate waters (Wieser, 1952 for review; Cbapman.1955; Soutbward, 1958; Wieser, 1959; Sloane el. af., 1961; Fuse, 1962; Me Lean, 1962; Ledoyer, 1962, 1964, 1966; Obm. 1964; Glynn, 1965; Hagerman. 1966; Moore, 1971; Alcala el af., 1972: Mallav ... a, 1976). There are many scattered references to tbe associations of animals to marine algae from tbe Indian coasts. However, in depth studies on tbe nature of relationsbips, distribution and abundance of animal populations on seaweeds are lacking except for a few recent studios (Josepb, 1972; Sarma and Ganapati, 1972; Sanna, 1974). The present study was undertaken during 1968-71 to ascertain tbe species composition, feeding bablts and inter-relationsbips in tbe dominant groups of animal. associated with economic seaweeds of South India

Mohan Joseph, M
Article Source: 
Mohan Joseph, M (1978) Ecological studies on the fauna associated with economic seaweeds of South India-I. Species composition, feeding habits and interrelationships. Seaweed Research Utilization, 3 (1). pp. 9-25.
Seaweed composition
Uses of Seaweeds: Feed