Consumption of seaweeds and the human brain


Much of the content of the human head is brain matter. This functions as the epicenter of human physical ex- istence, including a sense of well-being and the manifestation of human consciousness. The human brain is a precious and complex organ which increases from 350 to 400 g in infants to 1.3–1.4 kg in adults; it comprises ca. 78 % water, 12 % lipid, 8 % protein, and 1 % carbohydrate. Significant progress in behavioral and analytical science has accelerated understand- ing of the multifaceted responses of the brain to stimuli, whether it be the microbial breakdown products of ingested foods, the influences of environment, or in relation to genetic predisposition. The science of seaweeds, and particularly their broad range of applications, is gathering momentum as studies repeatedly underscore the natural health and nutritional bene- fits of dietary macroalgae. This article reviews research highlighting the potential impacts of the consumption of a variety of seaweeds on human brain health and includes the- ories in relation to the benefits to early Homo sapiens. The emphasis is on a varied diet including macroalgae and the gut/ 

microbe/brain axis, the importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and the impacts of anti-oxidant activities in neuropro- tection. These elements have the capacity to help in the de- fense of human cognitive disorders, such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, bipolar diseases, and adverse conditions characterized by progressive neurodegeneration. Psychological benefits associated with the moderate con- sumption of a diet fortified with macroalgae are also discussed in terms of reduction of depressive symptoms and furthermore highlighting possible improvements in sexual function. 

M. Lynn Cornish
Alan T. Critchley
Ole G. Mouritsen
Essential nutrients
Brain development
Neural system
Neural diseases
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Vitamin B12
Article Source: 
J Appl Phycol
Food Security or Needs
Seaweed composition
Uses of Seaweeds: Food
Uses of Seaweeds: Miscellaneous