Advances in pre-treatment techniques and green extraction technologies for bioactives from seaweeds


Background: A wide range of conventional and non-conventional technologies have been employed to extract a wide range of bioactive compounds from the complex matrices of seaweeds. Green extraction technologies are increasingly employed to improve extraction efficiencies.

Scope and approach: The objective of this review was to outline various approaches employed for the extraction of bioactives from seaweeds. This review covers various pretreatment methods generally employed prior to extraction, and their combinations with conventional and green extraction technologies. Novel technologies which can be employed with or without pretreatments to improve existing processes are also discussed.

Key findings: The role of pretreatments is of utmost importance and have significant impacts on the quality and quantity of target compounds. Combinations of different cell disruption technologies and extraction methods can enhance the extractability of compounds with higher purity and contribute towards improved process efficiency.

Viruja Ummat
Saravana Periaswamy Sivagnanam
Gaurav Rajauria
Colm O’Donnell
Brijesh Kumar Tiwari
Cell disruption
Green extraction technologies
Article Source: 
Trends in Food Science & Technology 110 (2021) 90–106
Basic Biology
Processing methods