Preparation of Bioethanol from Brown Seaweed (Sargassum Sp.)


In this study, brown seaweed (Sargassumsp.) was used to produce bioethanolby using enzymatic liquefaction and saccharification method. Bioethanol frombrown seaweed (Sargassumsp.) was more commercial than using any otherstarch based raw materials because it can be easily collected on Chaung Thabeach in Myanmar without any impact on environment. In this regard, theproductivity of bioethanol from brown seaweed (Sargassumsp.) wasdetermined by separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) with yeasts. Twotypes of yeasts were used.Saccharomyces cerevisiaewas used for glucosefermentation in brown seaweed and selected nitrogen fixing yeast isolate(N3,N18,N24) were used for mannitol fermentation which consist plenty inbrown seaweed. The effects of enzymatic liquefaction, enzymaticsaccharification and fermentation on this sample were studied. From thefermentation studies, brown seaweed (Sargassumsp.) gave the ethanolpercent by weight of 2.56% usingSaccharomyces cerevisiaeonly and 4.1% byusing mixture of yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiaeand selected nitrogen fixingyeast isolate. The maximum yield of crude ethanol was 32.5% by fermentatingyeast mixture ofSaccharomyces cerevisiaeand nitrogen fixing yeast isolate.When it was fermented by just onlySaccharomyces cerevisiae,yield of crudeethanol percent was 20.3%.

Nway Mon Mon Oo
Tint Tint Kywe
Brown seaweed (Sargassum sp.)
enzymatic liquefaction
Article Source: 
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) - Volume 3 Issue 5, August 2019
Basic Biology
Processing methods
Uses of Seaweeds: Fuel or Energy