The potential of bacteria isolated from ruminal contents of seaweed-eating North Ronaldsay sheep to hydrolyse seaweed components and produce methane by anaerobic digestion in vitro


The production of methane biofuel from seaweeds is limited by the hydrolysis of polysaccharides. Therumen microbiota of seaweed-eating North Ronald-say sheep was studied for polysaccharidic bacterial isolates degrading brown-seaweed polysaccharides. Only nine isolates out of 65 utilized >90% of the polysaccharide they were isolated on. The nine isolates (eight Prevotellaspp. and one Clostridiumbutyricum) utilized whole Laminaria hyperborea extract and a range of seaweed polysaccharides, including alginate (seven out of nine isolates), laminarin and carboxymethylcellulose (eight out of nineisolates); while two out of nine isolates additionally hydrolysed fucoidan to some extent. Crude enzyme extracts from three of the isolates studied further had diverse glycosidases and polysaccharidase activities; particularly against laminarin and alginate (two isolates were shown to have alginate lyase activity) and notably fucoidan and carageenan (one isolate). Inserial culture rumen microbiota hydrolysed a range of seaweed polysaccharides (fucoidan to a notably lesser degree) and homogenates of L. hyperborea, mixed Fucusspp. and Ascophyllum nodosum to produce methane and acetate. The rumen microbiota and isolates represent potential adjunct organismsor enzymes which may improve hydrolysis ofseaweed components and thus improve the efficiencyof seaweed anaerobic digestion for methane biofuel production.

Alastair D. Sutherland
Susan Withers
Allan G. Williams
Article Source: 
Microbial Biotechnology
Basic Biology
Uses of Seaweeds: Fuel or Energy