Marine tenure and the role of marine protected areas for sea cucumber grow-out in the Pacific region


Many Pacific island countries are reviving longstanding customary marine resource management systems and traditional tenure through the locally managed marine area (LMMA) approach. The customary tenure systems vary: some are formally recognised in national laws, while for others the recognition is informal. These practices include seasonal bans on harvesting, temporarily closed (no-take) areas, and restrictions placed on certain times, places, species or classes of persons. The LMMA demonstrates the shared vision of stakeholders that promotes the success of adaptive management, as evidenced by healthy ecosystems and communities, abundant marine and fish stocks, sustainable fisheries utilisation, protected marine biodiversity, sustainable development in coastal communities, an understanding of what communities are doing and can do in managing marine areas, and an understanding of ecological and socioeconomic responses to LMMA and coastal management implementation. The LMMA approach helps to ensure that benefits from marine conservation efforts will accrue to the local community, generally in an equitable manner, benefiting them spiritually, culturally, communally, socially and economically. A Fijian site in Verata district revealed that, since 1997, there has been a 20-fold increase in clam density in the tabu areas, a 200−300% increase in harvest in adjacent areas, a tripling of fish catches, and a 35−45% increase in household income. Similar trends have also been observed in the other tabu areas across Fiji in a range of potential marine commodities, such as giant clam, seaweed and coral transplanting. Currently, there are more than 200 traditionally imposed LMMAs, including tabu areas, and numbers continue to grow.

In Fiji, application of the LMMA approach at Natuvu village on the island of Vanua Levu has demonstrated how a customary tenure system can be integrated with sea ranching of sandfish in a closed area. The entire process can be governed by Fijian customary institutions and laws that incorporate local socioeconomic considerations, and provide more diverse and culturally appropriate approaches to enforcement, compliance, monitoring and restitution. The effectiveness of traditional practices is a reflection of the strength and viability of the customary law regime. There may also be issues regarding enforcement, the viability of a closed area in the long term, and the roles taken by governments, communities and traditional leaders. Traditional practices are generally accompanied by strategies and resources to support sustainable use, viable livelihoods and equitable sharing of benefits.

Semisi V. Meo
Article Source: 
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
Ecological Services