The Philippine Men & Women of Science


The Philippine Men and Women of Science (PMWS) is a semi-annual online publication of the Science and Technology Institute (STII). It was first published in 1964 as the Philippine Men of Science (PMS), containing 101 scientists. In 2001, the STII developed the systems, the ScINET-PHIL Integrated Library Management System (SILMS) and WebDB (which consist of five databases). One the five databases is the Scientist Database which efficiently process and make the PMS data available to the public. Thus PMS was accessible online thru SILMS and WebDB. On August 28, 2012, PMS Volume 24, June 2012 issue was uploaded to make it more visible and accessible to more users. A download counter was also installed to monitor usage. STII has unofficially (document change only; official registration in progress) changed PMS to Philippine Men and Women of Science (PMWS) in its online display in response to more gender-sensitive title of the publication. PMWS was adopted online on July 05, 2013 (Volume 26, June 2013 issue). PMWS is now accessible in to two additional sites, and The publication is a good resource material for researchers who need information on the scientists’ academic and professional contributions and affiliations. STII is grateful for the valuable support of the scientists who contributed information to this volume. And we hope that our current users will pass on the information on the existence of this kind of online publication, to help us promote our Filipino scientists and in the process make more researchers benefit from our scientists’ contribution to the national development.

Raymund E. Liboro
Rosie A. Almocera
Geraldine B. Ducusin
Josefina A. Mahinay
Marievic V. Narquita
Robelyn M. Cruz
Article Source: 
Information Resources and Analysis Division Science and Technology Information Institute