Keynote Remarks at the SeaWeb Seafood Summit - As Delivered


I’m really delighted to be here with all of you. It’s my first time attending such a summit. I reallyappreciate and value the opportunityto get to know you better and hear more about yourperspectives, so thanks very much. As Dawn alluded to in her introduction,I’ve had some priorchances to learn a good bit and see the kind of change that’s occurred in fisheries and fisheriesmanagement over the past 25 years. My stint as NOAAChiefScientist gave me a goodopportunity to take a close look at the science underlying this field and the challenges that weface here. And then,several years later, I had my first exposureto the opportunities andchallenges of aquaculture when I headed up the aquaculture panel on the PEW OceansCommission. SoI am delighted to be here today,andI’d like to talk about a couple of things:about building resiliency in our oceans and our fishing communities;aboutbuilding healthy andsustainable fisheries to support societal, economic, and ecological resilience; the steps we’retaking to combat illegal fishing and seafood fraudandlevel the playingfieldfor U.S. fishermen;and the role that aquaculture can play and needs to play in our collective future

Kathryn Sullivan
Article Source: 
SeaWeb Seafood Summit
Ecological Services
Uses of Seaweeds: Food