Our Nutrient World: The challenge to produce more food and energy with less pollution


The message of this overview is that everyone stands to benefit from nutrients and that everyone can make a contribution to promote sustainable production and use of nutrients. Whether we live in a part of the world with too much or too little nutrients, our daily decisions can make a difference. Without swift and collective action, the next generation will inherit a world where many millions may suffer from food insecurity caused by too few nutrients, where the nutrient pollution threats from too much will become more extreme, and where unsustainable use of nutrients will contribute even more to biodiversity loss and accelerating climate change. Conversely with more sustainable management of nutrients, economies can play a role in a transition to a Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. The Global Overview develops these essential themes, to prepare societies to take the next steps.

M.A. Sutton
A. Bleeker
C.M. Howard
M. Bekunda
B. Grizzetti
W. de Vries
H.J.M. van Grinsven
Y.P. Abrol
T.K. Adhya
G. Billen
E.A. Davidson
A. Datta
R. Diaz
J.W. Erisman
X.J. Liu
O. Oenema
C. Palm
N. Raghuram
S. Reis
R.W. Scholz
T. Sims
H. Westhoek
F.S. Zhang
Article Source: 
Global Overview on Nutrient Management
Ecological Services
Uses of Seaweeds: Food