Anaerobic Digestion and Gasification of Seaweed


The potential of algal biomass as a source of liquid and gaseous biofuels is a highly topical theme, with over 70 years of sometimes intensive research, and considerable financial investment. A wide range of unit operations can be combined to produce algal biofuel, but as yet there is no successful commercial system producing such biofuel. This suggests that there are major technical and engineering difficulties to be resolved before economically viable algal biofuel production can be achieved.

Both gasification and anaerobic digestion have been suggested as promising methods for exploiting bioenergy from biomass and 2 major projects have been funded in the UK on the gasification and anaerobic digestion of seaweed, MacroBioCrude and SeaGas.

John J Milledge
Article Source: 
Grand Challenges in Marine Biotechnology
Processing methods
Uses of Seaweeds: Fuel or Energy