The Ecosystem Services of Marine Aquaculture: Valuing Benefits to People and Nature


As the world's population continues to grow, the way in which ocean industries interact with ecosystems will be key to supporting the longevity of food and social securities. Aquaculture is crucial to the future supply of seafood, but challenges associated with negative impacts could impede increased production, especially production that is efcient and safe for the environment. Using the typology established by The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Initiative, we describe how marine aquaculture could be influential in supporting ecosystem services beyond solely the production of goods, through provisioning services, regulating services, habitat or supporting services, and cultural services. The provision of these services will vary, depending on functional traits of culture species, biotic and abiotic characteristics of the surrounding environment, farm design, and operational standards. Increasing recognition, understanding, and accounting of ecosystem service provision by mariculture through innovative policies, financing, and certification schemes may incentivize active delivery of benefits and may enable efects at a greater scale.

Heidi K. Alleway
Chris L. Gillies
Melanie J. Bishop
Rebecca R. Gentry
Seth J. Theuerkauf
Robert Jones
ecosystem services
environmental management
sustainable development
Article Source: 
BioScience 69(1)
Aquaculture methods
Processing methods
Uses of Seaweeds: Food