Techno-Economic Analysis of Harvesting, Processing, and Transporting Seaweed


As the earth’s population continues to rise, concern over the availability of resources is increasing. Hunger, health, and availability of fuels are just some of the problems the world will need to solve. Currently, traditional agriculture plays a central role in food and fuel production, but growing population limits availability of the farmland required by these crops. With these problems in mind, marine agronomy, using oceans to produce usable crops, such as seaweed, becomes an appealing option. Seaweed offers not only a source of food, but also has some useful applications in pharmaceuticals and biofuels.

Kurt A. Rosentrater
Seaweed Harvest
seaweed processing
seaweed transporting
Processing methods
Seaweed composition
Uses of Seaweeds: Feed
Uses of Seaweeds: Food
Uses of Seaweeds: Fuel or Energy