Sporulation in Gracilaria crassa Harvey ex. J.Agasdh at different environmental factors


Effect of environmental factors such as exposure to air and desiccation, salinity, temperature, light and photoperiod on tetra spore shedding in the red alga Gracilaria crassa was studied under laboratory condition. In the tetrasporic thalli exposed to air in shade and sun for different durations, maximum quantity of spores were liberated from the thalli in submerged condition in control experiment. Spore output was observed at salinity ranging from 10 to 40% with peak output at 30%. Spore discharge was found at temperature ranging from 20 to 40' C with maximum quantity of spore liberation at 25OC. Spore shedding was recorded at light intensity ranging from 10 to 100 p Em2S-I with peak discharge at 20 p Em-2S-I. Maximum spore release occurred in long day condition at 12 : 12 LD cycle.

Sukumaran, Soniya
Kaliaperumal, N
Gracilaria crassa Harvey
environmental factors
Article Source: 
Sukumaran, Soniya and Kaliaperumal, N (2001) Sporulation in Gracilaria crassa Harvey ex. J.Agasdh at different environmental factors. Seaweed Research and Utilisation, 23 (1 & 2). pp. 81-87.
Basic Biology
Processing methods