Agar factory waste was tried as fuel for cooking and manure for cow pea. Seedlings of cow pea (Vigna ungiculata) supplied with agar factory waste powder, showed improved seedling vigour. The total length of the seedlings (85 - 87%), wet weight (194 - 329%), number of leaves (31 - 38 %) and number of root nodules (42 - 92%) increased than those of control. Out of the two treatments of basal application of agar waste powder, one time application at the time of sowing seeds registered maximum vigour over the control as well as the other treatment which received similar quantity in three intervals. As the 'fuel cakes' prepared out of agar factory waste registered high energy content (19 %), high ash content (20 %) and high rate of combustibility (5 min and 20 sec), these ' fuel cakes' can be ideally used as fuel for cooking.