Seasonal Variation In Biochemical Constituents Of Sargassum Wightii (Grevillie) With Reference To Yield In Alginic Acid Content


Seasonal variation in biochemical constituents of S. wightii with reference to yield in alginic acid content has been reported. The lipid content showed a reciprocal relation, while carbohydrate a positive correlation with alginic acid content.

Jayasankar, Reeta
Article Source: 
Jayasankar, Reeta (1993) Seasonal Variation In Biochemical Constituents Of Sargassum Wightii (Grevillie) With Reference To Yield In Alginic Acid Content. Seaweed Research Utilization, 16 (1&2). pp. 13-16.
Basic Biology
Processing methods
Seaweed composition