Post Harvest Technology


In India, the seaweeds are harvested by handpicking. In the United States rapid industrialisation has been brought 'in during 1917-1918 in harvesting the Macrocyst/s beds by mechanical harvestors (Dawson, 1966). Mathieson (1969) described the harvest of Macrocyst/s using motor-driven barges with mowers. The mechanical harvestors cut the kelp canopy just under one metre below the water surface and transport the material to the barge. This way, several hundred tons of seaweed can be cut in a day. After being harvested, the material is washed and chopped, and the algin extracted.

V. S. K. Chennubhotla
K. Kaliaperumal
S. Kalimuthu
Article Source: 
Chennubhotla, V S Krishnamurthy and Kaliaperumal, N and Kalimuthu, S (1987) Post harvest technology. CMFRI Bulletin, 41 . pp. 74-77.
Processing methods
Uses of Seaweeds: Miscellaneous