Re: Draft ‘National Aquaculture Research & Development Strategic Plan Comments relating to Marine Agronomy


The signatories to this letter commend the JSA for its work on the National Aquaculture Research and Development Strategic Plan and agree with its vision and recognition of aquaculture as a strategic priority for the U.S. However, we suggest that recent aquaculture developments and global trends call for emphasis on a sector of marine aquaculture that is inadequately recognized in this plan. Specifically, we refer to the farming of marine macroalgae or seaweeds.

Mark Capron
James Diana
Paul Dobbins
Hillary Egna
Kevin Fitzsimmons
John Forster
Clifford Goudey
Kevin Hopkins
Alyson Myers
Ricardo Radulovich
Kurt Rosentrater
Michael Rust
Neil Sims
David Tze
Charles Yarish
Article Source: 
Individuals who support Marine Agronomy, RIN 0648–XC007
Aquaculture methods
Uses of Seaweeds: Feed
Uses of Seaweeds: Food
Uses of Seaweeds: Fuel or Energy