The 21st International Seaweed Symposium: seaweed science for sustainable prosperity


The 21st International Seaweed Symposium (ISS) took place in Bali, Indonesia, from April 21 to 26, 2013. For more than six decades, the ISS have been the foremost international symposia for individuals and organizations involved with seaweed research and applications. Over the years, ISS have provided a renewed forum for scientists, technologists, business people and resource managers to present their latest research results, exchange ideas and network to develop synergies for strengthening this important bioresource sector. This year was no exception, as 580 participants from 50 countries, and 33 exhibitors from six countries, presented and discussed many aspects focusing on the theme of this year’s edition “Seaweed Science for Sustainable Prosperity”. This theme recognized the fact that scientific research plays a fundamental role in the development of seaweed cultivation, harvesting, processing and commercialization, as well as in the well-being of many coastal communities. The 21st ISS was held in Bali, in the heart of the Coral Triangle where seaweed farming employs tens of thousands of coastal people. There is a clear and present need for expanding research and development to enable environmentally, economically and societally sustainable seaweed industry commercialization, not only in the Coral Triangle but also in other regions throughout the world, either alone or integrated with other aquaculture activities. One of the goals of the 21st ISS was to catalyze support for such endeavours.

Thierry Chopin
Iain Neish
Article Source: 
J Appl Phycol (2014) 26:695–698
Basic Biology
Seaweed composition