Oarweed (Laminaria digitata)


A large conspicuous kelp growing up to 2 m in length commonly found at low water during spring tides on rocky shores. The frond is broad and digitate, glossy and dark brown in colour and lacks a midrib. The stipe is oval in cross section, smooth and flexible and is usually free of epiphytes, although old stipes which have become slightly roughened may support a few epiphytes, notably Palmaria palmata. The kelp is attached by freely branched haptera, which spread out to form a shallow dome-shaped holdfast. Laminaria digitata may be confused with young Laminaria hyperborea plants. However, the stipe of Laminaria hyperborea is circular in cross section, is stiff and snaps easily when bent (although you won't see that in younger plants).

Jacqueline Hill
Article Source: 
The Marine Life Information Network
Basic Biology
Seaweed composition