Nutrients recovery and recycling in algae processing for biofuels production


The supply of nutrients is a great issue to a sustainable scale-up of microalgal biofuels production, as these photosynthetic microorganisms require large amounts of N, P and other micronutrients to grow, which turns into high fertilizers demand. Additionally, recovery and reuse of nutrients (particularly N & P) are a must to reduce the non-point pollution emanating from their release into water or air during the downstream processing steps to biofuels or bioproducts. In the recent years, strong research efforts have been paid for developing nutrient recovery and recycling techniques, in order to reduce the net amount of fertilizers required. One possibility is exploiting nutrients from waste streams, such as wastewaters, while others focus on the recovery of N and P from the non-fuel fraction of the produced microalgal biomass, which is then recycled to the cultivation system, in a closed-loop perspective. In both cases, the presence of possible contaminants as well as nutrients bioavailability can impact the biomass productivity compared to standard synthetic media. Although the nutrients recovery and reuse has been in the forefront for a few years, there are no review publications available yet. In this paper, stateof-the art studies on nutrients recovery and recycling methods in microalgae processing from the last decade are reviewed. The study focuses on the different N and P recovery methods and yields, as well as on their subsequent use in algal cultivation and impact on algae productivity. Possible bioproducts exploitation is considered, and perspectives of closed-loop material balances on a large-scale are eventually provided.

Elena Barbera
Alberto Bertucco
Sandeep Kumar
Nutrients recovery
Closed-loop recycling
Article Source: 
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Volume 90, July 2018, Pages 28-42
Basic Biology
Ecological Services
Seaweed composition