PROCEEDINGS of The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries


As the world population is drastically increasing, industrialization and urbanization are also increasing. Eventually, environmental pollution is increasing, and the amount of arable land is decreasing. Water scarcity is becoming a challenge throughout the world in that nearly half of the world population will experience water shortage. The rate of water utilization increases at twice the rate in the world as compared to the increases in the human population. This proves that water is no longer to be considered an infinite source. Sustainable use of agricultural and environmental sources will optimize the skills and use of technology to achieve long-term stability of agricultural enterprise, environmental protection, and consumer safety. Sustainable agriculture and environment could be achieved through management strategies which help the producer select hybrids and varieties, soil conserving cultural practices, soil fertility programs, crop rotation, weed, pest and disease management programs, strategic use of animal and green manures and use of natural or synthetic inputs in a way that poses no significant hazard to human beings, animals, or the environment. Sustainable agriculture and environment incorporates heathy environment and economic profitability along with providing food needs to the society. The Food and Agricultural Organization reported that more than half of the water sources were used for irrigation in the world. Industrial and municipal usage of water comes after irrigation. Therefore, water demand could further affect the amount of water utilization in agricultural sectors. This may cause water crisis in and among countries. To deal with this potential water crisis, new water management approaches and strategies are required for all sectors, in particular, the agricultural sector. Application of new technologies (precision agriculture) help to increase the sustainable usage of water sources in agriculture while enable higher crop production. Excess utilization of fertilizers and pesticides causes contamination of surface water and groundwater sources. Use of salt-rich irrigation waters increases the salinization. Water content and salinity level have a vital effect on both quality and quantity of agricultural crops. Therefore, necessary sustainable steps should be taken to handle all these issues. This conference brought together a large number of researchers, students and professionals from all over the world to discuss the technological developments and applications on sustainable agriculture and environment. The main topic areas that covered were social and economic aspects of environment, biology and agriculture, sustainable development, tropical agriculture, biodiversity, biotechnology, horticulture, plants, animal production, climate change, environment, local ecological knowledge, water management, soil conservation, agriculture social economics, integrated pest management, food security, and other related agricultural and environmental issues. All the abstracts and selected papers are now available in this “proceeding book”. The editors would like to thank all the attendees who brought their generous contributions to the organization of another successful conference. Lastly, we would like to thank the organizing committee members for their time and efforts dedicated to making 5th ICSAE a successful event.

Mithat Direk
Halis Simsek
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Ecological Services
Uses of Seaweeds: Food