Environmental eco-friendly marine resource macro algae (Seaweeds): an omnipotent source for value added products and its applications - A review


The consequent reduction of land resources by human activities such as pollution, over exploitation, industrialization, migration etc., has lead man to search for other alternative ways to meet the demands for well-being. When this has been the existing situation in most of the developing countries, kelp forest resources like seaweeds which are known for its potentially strong bioactive compounds can be the best fit to fulfill numerous requirements such as nutritious food, biofuels, biofertilizer and pharmaceuticals to cure different diseases and other industrial applications. From the history till date seaweed has been employed in various sectors like food, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, waste water treatment and so on. Malnutrition and poverty have become the major issue in many of the developing nations, hale and healthy life can be guaranteed by seaweed food products and also people can be self- employed. Besides many research works done regarding seaweeds this review provides a collective idea about the potentials and wide range applications of seaweed, a marine macroalgae.

P. Devaki
S. Dheepa
R. Mageshwari
J. Jayamuthunagai
M. Chakravarthy
D. Yuvaraj
R. Praveenkumar
Nutritious food
Bioactive compounds
Article Source: 
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2016) 5(7)
Seaweed composition
Uses of Seaweeds: Food
Uses of Seaweeds: Fuel or Energy