Distribution patterns of the non-native seaweeds Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh and Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar on the San Diego and Pacific coast of North America


Here we report the occurrence of the two non-native brown macroalgal species Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh and Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar in San Diego County and describe expansions in their ranges and new invasions on the California and Baja California coasts. Both species have exhibited characteristics of successful invaders: establishing in new areas, spreading locally, and persisting through multiple generations in areas that have been invaded. These species now occur primarily in harbors, but have also invaded open coast sites, suggesting that they can invade areas with relatively high wave action and with well-established native benthic communities. The rapid and uncontrolled spread of these species to date has serious implications for their expansion along the west coast of North America. The ecological and economic consequences of these invasions require further research. 

Nikolas John Kaplanis
Jill L. Harris
Jennifer E. Smith
invasive algae
Channel Islands
Cabrillo National Monument
Article Source: 
Aquatic Invasions (2016) Volume 11, Issue 2: 111–124
Basic Biology