Feed the Future InnovatIon Lab For Collaborative research on Aquaculture & Fisheries


In this Issue...

  • Commercialization and Adoption of Snakehead Feed 1
  • Strategies for Reducing Feed Costs in Small-Scale Aquaculture 2
  • Goings On In the Pond 2
  • Value Chain Analysis Helps Overcome Gender Barriers in Aquaculture 5
  • AquaFish Student Corner: Graduate Student Profile 7
  • AquaFish Alumni Corner: Where Are They Now? 9
  • BMP Workshop, Tanzania 10
  • SIRTD Award Closeout Meeting, Tanzania 11
  • Chaza Cooperative Society, Tanzania 12
  • PONDerings 13
  • Notices of Publication 14
  • Meetings and Events 18
Article Source: 
Uses of Seaweeds: Feed