Morphological and Physiological Bases for Laminaria Selection Protocols in Long Island Sound Aquaculture


Considerable progress has been made over the last five years toward development of genetic selection procedures for the kelp, Laminaria, ina  collaborative research program between the State University of New York and the University of Connecticut. We review here the current status of taxonomy and our investigations into genetics and breeding of Laminaria. Growth and reproduction characteristics of L. saccharina from Long Idlan and L. longicruris from eastern Connecticut are compared. We emphasize application of gradient plate studies to development and growth characteristics from L. saccharina and L. longicruris populations in Long Island Sound. Such studies have yielded important insights into the possibility of selecting strains that are superior for given combinations of light and temperature. Preliminary crossing experiments between these local entities indicate a sex-linkage for certain morphological characters. 

Yarish, Charles
Z. Garcia-Ezquivel
B. H. Brinkhuis
B. Egan
Article Source: 
Marine Sciences Research Center
Aquaculture methods
Basic Biology