Optimal stocking density of the marine red algaAgarophyton vermiculophyllumwas determined to maximize the produc-tivity and nitrogen removal in biofloc effluent.Agarophyton vermiculophyllumwas cultured at 0.2, 2, 4 and 8 g L−1(FW)stocking densities, 160 ± 10μmol photons m−2s−1and 12:12 L:D photoperiod for 20 days.Agarophytonvermiculophyllumwas cultured in effluent from a juvenileParalichthysbiofloc tank culture system and von Stosch–enriched (VSE) medium at 20 °C. The total nitrogen and phosphorus concentration of VSE medium was adjusted to thebiofloc level, 1000μmol L−1and 33μmol L−1, respectively. Specific growth rate was significantly higher at 0.2, 2, 4 and 8g L−1in both media. However, the productivity was significantly higher at 8 than 0.2 g L−1in both media. Tissue carboncontents were not significantly influenced by the medium at 8 g L−1(34.9% in VSE and 34.0% in biofloc). However, tissuenitrogen content was significantly higher at VSE medium than at biofloc medium at 8 g L−1(3.7% in VSE and 3.4% inbiofloc). The carbon removal rate was highestat the highest stocking density, 1.98 mgC g−1DW day−1(VSE) and1.89 mgC g−1DW day−1(biofloc), respectively. Also, the nitrogen removal rate was highest at the highest stockingdensity, 0.21 mgN g−1DW day−1(VSE) and 0.19 mgN g−1DW day−1(biofloc), respectively. The nutrient removal wasnot significantly influenced by medium at 4 and 8 g L−1. These results show thatA. vermiculophyllumcan grow and havethe potential to remove nutrients in the biofloc medium at high nitrogen concentrations.