Taxonomy of economic seaweeds - With reference to some Pacific species (Volume V)


The series of workshops of which this one was part rests on the conviction that progress in seaweed aquaculture and marine natural products chemistry will advance appreciably once the taxonomy of commercially interesting species is better understood. 

California Sea Grant funded the first of these biennial workshops more than a decade ago - in 1984, at the University of Guam. From the first, Dr. Abbott served as organizer and motivator. Her vision was to bring together leading systematists from around the Pacific Rim to direct their knowledge and insight to the enormous ignorance that prevails about warm-water Pacific algae. She recognized that many of these eminent specialists were not being succeeded by younger generations and thus represented an irreplaceable resource. Further, she believed that the enthusiasm and dedication of workshop participants would overcome any difficulties presented by language and cultural differences.

The progress made at these workshops has been considerable, and we at California Sea Grant, and our colleagues in the other Pacific Sea Grant Colleges, are pleased to have been able to play some small part in making them possible. 

Isabella A. Abbott
Article Source: 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Aquaculture methods
Uses of Seaweeds: Miscellaneous