Simulation of offshore aquaculture system for macro algae (seaweed) oceanic farming


Large-scale cultivation of seaweed has become one of the most important aquaculture activities in Malaysiawhich may help increase farmers’ incomes as well as seaweed itself can be processed into many beneficialend products. The present location of seaweed farming selected by farmers is situated close proximity tothe coastline which is between 100 and 200 m from the seashore. The unfavourable condition of sea duringrough sea with high wave and high speed of current is always a problem to the farmers since this environ-mental condition destroys their seaweed planting lines. To avoid the above problem, especially in monsoonprone area, a thorough analysis needs to be done in order to prevent environmental load from destroyingseaweed platform on its mooring line when subjected to greater stress. The main objective of this study isto perform a simulation study which will allow analysis of the best mooring system for multi-body floatingseaweed farm, together with understanding of the reliability and effectiveness of the system. This paperpresents the design of seaweed platform model with mooring assessment in order to obtain a comprehen-sive and reliable seaweed mooring platform with the aid of mooring simulation software and model tests.

K.F. Tee
A.S.A. Kader
A. Magee
S.O. Olanrewaju
offshore aquaculture system
seaweed platform
mooring assessment
environmental load
Article Source: 
Aquaculture methods
Ecological Services