Introduction to algology; with a catalogue of American Algae, or sea-weeds, according to the latest classification of Prof. Harvey


Inscribed to Mrs. Dietz

Madam, --

In this humble attempt to awaken an interest in this subject, and to register, as far as I am acquainted, a catalogue of genuine American Algae, I am actuated only by a motive to advance a science, the study of which had afforded me so much pleasure, and in which, I feel assured, you take much interest.

I was induced to inscribe it to you, Madam, because it is a branch of Natural History free and open to be perused by females as by men - a branch which men have not entirely appropriated to themselves; likewise, because ladies in Great Britian have been so successful as to make some of the most important discoveries, and aided in rendering assistance in raising Algology to the proper rank it now maintains as a class in Natural History. Ladies have also excelled in this country in the beautiful display of specimens in their albums, and deserve much credit not only for preserving many species from oblivion, but also for awakening thereby an interest in this subject of those who could otherwise have been enlisted. England boast proudly and justly of her Mrs. Griffiths, Miss Cutler, and Miss Hutchins. Give us time, opportunity, and encouragment, and why should not the names of Mrs. Dietz, Mrs. Fisher, and Miss French be as proudly hailed by Americans for the efforts they will make to place this neglected science on the same exalted mineuce it has attained in Europe. 

Most respectfully, 

John Hooper

John Hooper
Article Source: 
Published by John Hooper
Basic Biology