I. (Farmers' Bul. 56).—Good v. Poor Cows; Corn v. Wheat; Much v. Little Protein; Forage Crops for Pigs; Robertson Silage Mixture; Alfalfa; Proportion of Grain to Straw; Phosphates as Fertilizers; Harmful Effects of Muriate of Potash; Studies in Irrigation; Potato Scab: Barnyard Manure.
II. (Farmers' Bul. 65).—Common Crops for Forage; Stock Melons; Starch in Potatoes; Crimson Clover; Geese for Profit; Cross Pollination; A Germ Fertilizer; Lime as a Fertilizer; Are Ashes Economical? Mixing Fertilizers.
III. (Farmers' Bul. 69).—Flax Culture; Crimson Clover; Forcing Lettuce; Heating Greenhouses; Corn Smut; Millet Disease of Horses; Tuberculosis; Pasteurized Cream; Kitchen and Table Wastes; Use of Fertilizers.
IV. (Farmers' Bul 73).—Pure Water; Loss of Soil Fertility; Availability of Fertilizers; Seed Selection; Jerusalem Artichokes; Kafir Com; Thinning Fruit; Use of Low-grade Apples; Cooking Vegetables; Condimental Feeding Stuffs: Steer and Heifer Beef; Swells in Canned Vegetables.
V. (Farmers' Bul.78).—Humus in Soils; Swamp, Marsh, or Muck Soils; Rape; Velvet Bean; Sunflowers; Winter Protection of Peach Trees; Subwatering in Greenhouses; Bacterial Diseases of Plants: Grape Juice and Sweet Cider.
VI. (Farmers' Bul. 79).—Fraud in Fertilizers; Sugar-beet Industry: Seeding Grass Land; Grafting Apple Trees; Forest Fires; American Clover Seed; Mushrooms as Food: Pigs in Stubble Fields; Ensiling Potatoes: Anthrax.
VII. (Farmers' Bul. 84).——Home-mixed Fertilizers; Forcing Asparagus in the Field; Field Selection of Seed; Potatoes as Footl for Man; Corn Stover as a Fee<ling Stuff; Feeding Value of Sugar Beets; Salt-marsh Hay; Forage Crops for Pigs: Ground Grain for Chicks; Skim Milk for Young Chickens; By-pnxlucts of the Dairj-; .Stripi)er Batter; Curd Test in Cheese Making; Gape Disease of Chickens.
VIII. (Farmers' Bul. 87).—Soil Moisture; Fertility of Soils; Cover Crops for Orchards; Cultivating V. Cropping Orchards: Transplanting Trees; Fecundity of Swine; Food Valae of Eggs; Starch from Sweet Potatoes; The Toad as a Friend of the Farmer.
IX. (Farmers' Bui. 92).—Sugar Beets on Alkali Soils; Planting and Replanting Corn; Improvement of Sorghum: Improved Culture of Potatoes; Second-crop Potatoes for Seed; Cold v. Warm Water for Plants; Forcing Head Lettuce; The Date Palm in the Unite<l States; The Codling Moth: Jerusalem Artichokes for Pigs; Feeding Calves: Pasteurization in Butter Making; Gassy and Tainted Curds: Pure Cultures in Cheese Making.
X. (Farmers' Bul. 97).—Manure from Cows; Plants for Alkali Soils: Influence of Alkali on Plants; Feeding Value of the Com Plant; Sows and Pigs at Farrowing Time; The Soy Bean as a Feeding Slnfl"; Alfalfa Hay for Hogs; Animal Matter for Poultry; Water and Animal Dis eases; Construction and Cooling of Cheese-curing Rooms: Irrigation Investigations.
XI. (Farmers' Bul. 103).—Excessive Irrigation: Croes Pollination of Plums: Root Pruning of Fruit Trees; The Oxeye Daisy: Poisoning by Wild Cherry Leaves: Preserving Eggs; Gestation in Cows; The Long Clam; Silage for Horses and Hogs: Commercial Butter Cultures with Pas teurized Cream; The Stave Sil.