Experiment station work, XII


I. (Farmers' Bul. 56).—Good v. Poor Cows; Corn v. Wheat; Much v. Little Protein; Forage Crops for Pigs; Robertson Silage Mixture; Alfalfa; Proportion of Grain to Straw; Phosphates as Fertilizers; Harmful Effects of Muriate of Potash; Studies in Irrigation; Potato Scab: Barnyard Manure.

II. (Farmers' Bul. 65).—Common Crops for Forage; Stock Melons; Starch in Potatoes; Crimson Clover; Geese for Profit; Cross Pollination; A Germ Fertilizer; Lime as a Fertilizer; Are Ashes Economical? Mixing Fertilizers.

III. (Farmers' Bul. 69).—Flax Culture; Crimson Clover; Forcing Lettuce; Heating Greenhouses; Corn Smut; Millet Disease of Horses; Tuberculosis; Pasteurized Cream; Kitchen and Table Wastes; Use of Fertilizers.

IV. (Farmers' Bul 73).—Pure Water; Loss of Soil Fertility; Availability of Fertilizers; Seed Selection; Jerusalem Artichokes; Kafir Com; Thinning Fruit; Use of Low-grade Apples; Cooking Vegetables; Condimental Feeding Stuffs: Steer and Heifer Beef; Swells in Canned Vegetables.

V. (Farmers' Bul.78).—Humus in Soils; Swamp, Marsh, or Muck Soils; Rape; Velvet Bean; Sunflowers; Winter Protection of Peach Trees; Subwatering in Greenhouses; Bacterial Diseases of Plants: Grape Juice and Sweet Cider.

VI. (Farmers' Bul. 79).—Fraud in Fertilizers; Sugar-beet Industry: Seeding Grass Land; Grafting Apple Trees; Forest Fires; American Clover Seed; Mushrooms as Food: Pigs in Stubble Fields; Ensiling Potatoes: Anthrax.

VII. (Farmers' Bul. 84).——Home-mixed Fertilizers; Forcing Asparagus in the Field; Field Selection of Seed; Potatoes as Footl for Man; Corn Stover as a Fee<ling Stuff; Feeding Value of Sugar Beets; Salt-marsh Hay; Forage Crops for Pigs: Ground Grain for Chicks; Skim Milk for Young Chickens; By-pnxlucts of the Dairj-; .Stripi)er Batter; Curd Test in Cheese Making; Gape Disease of Chickens.

VIII. (Farmers' Bul. 87).—Soil Moisture; Fertility of Soils; Cover Crops for Orchards; Cultivating V. Cropping Orchards: Transplanting Trees; Fecundity of Swine; Food Valae of Eggs; Starch from Sweet Potatoes; The Toad as a Friend of the Farmer.

IX. (Farmers' Bui. 92).—Sugar Beets on Alkali Soils; Planting and Replanting Corn; Improvement of Sorghum: Improved Culture of Potatoes; Second-crop Potatoes for Seed; Cold v. Warm Water for Plants; Forcing Head Lettuce; The Date Palm in the Unite<l States; The Codling Moth: Jerusalem Artichokes for Pigs; Feeding Calves: Pasteurization in Butter Making; Gassy and Tainted Curds: Pure Cultures in Cheese Making. 

X. (Farmers' Bul. 97).—Manure from Cows; Plants for Alkali Soils: Influence of Alkali on Plants; Feeding Value of the Com Plant; Sows and Pigs at Farrowing Time; The Soy Bean as a Feeding Slnfl"; Alfalfa Hay for Hogs; Animal Matter for Poultry; Water and Animal Dis eases; Construction and Cooling of Cheese-curing Rooms: Irrigation Investigations.

XI. (Farmers' Bul. 103).—Excessive Irrigation: Croes Pollination of Plums: Root Pruning of Fruit Trees; The Oxeye Daisy: Poisoning by Wild Cherry Leaves: Preserving Eggs; Gestation in Cows; The Long Clam; Silage for Horses and Hogs: Commercial Butter Cultures with Pas teurized Cream; The Stave Sil.  


A. C. True
algae and seaweeds
organic fertilizers
edible seaweed
seaweed products
grain crops
grain yield
sodium nitrate
ammonium sulfate
blood meal
greenhouse production
breakfast cereals
nutrient content
food composition
harvest date
milk production
food processing
Article Source: 
U. S. Department of Agriculture
Basic Biology
Ecological Services
Uses of Seaweeds: Food